The game seems very low population, in terms of NPC's in cities and also creatures in the wild. I know there is a HUGE modding community for TES games as my friends have said, so that's why I've come to you people! Help me out!
What I'm looking for is a mod that adds some.."life" Oblivion cities and wilderness! I'm not looking for a mod that completely changes the way Oblivion works..etc..or removes CURRENT NPC's to mess up quest..I want to keep everything as is..I just want more! More NPC's, more creatures, heck, more everything if it moves! Even mudcraps for crying out loud, I don't care!
Can anyone help me out? What are some of the best NPC mods, and creature mods? As far as creatures go, I don't want anything too ridiculous, IE, I don't want creatures that just simply wouldn't be found in TES, you know? Like, I don't want Balerocs and Super Saiyans running around in my game. Just normal animals/creatures as well as some lore oriented creatures that are found in the TES universe that Bethesda chose to not include, or some creatures that "fit" in TES, but maybe aren't particularly a part of TES lore. I mean it just has to flow and make sense yeah?
Thanks so much in advance. I registered today just to ask you kind folks these questions, so don't be too harsh as this is my first post.