Agreed. The Dunmer would not be quiet about something like the state of their country. They would talk about it and the silence about it is just irritating imo.
It isn't just the Dunmer though... Look at the Saadia quest in Whiterun. The entire quest makes no sense.
You have a redguard woman claiming she ran from the Aldmeri dominion, which has no presence in Hammerfell, and came to Skyrim to be safe.
You have the Alik'r claiming they want to take her back because and I quote "The resistance against the dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell". What resistance? the dominion is gone!
She claims they are going to bring her back to dominion soldiers in Hammerfell when they have left 16 years ago according to the Great War book... Yet they are still looking for her, and making it sound as if the crime was recent.
The information is just conflicting. Then there are other things Corsairs supposedly sacked Wayrest, yet they aren't really a big issue anymore for some reason, nor do you hear anything about that. The half of Cyrodiil is supposed to be burned down, but what is still around and what is not is unknown. What caused the riots in Cheydinhall after the great war had already ended? Why are all the Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries in Hammerfell and High Rock gone? Why are the shadowscales gone?
Then the Altmer merchant in Windhelm, she works with a bunch of Altmer thieves that left Summerset, she recently left Summerset yet nobody hunts them down, not a single reason for why they would leave Summerset for Skyrim... I mean what the hell is going on with them... I just want to know more