The Aedroth Aka, who goes by so many names as to perhaps already suggest what I'm about to commit to memospore, is completely insane. His mind broke when his "perch from Eternity allowed the day" and we of all the Aurbis live on through its fragments, ensnared in the temporal writings and erasures of the acausal whim that he begat by saying "I AM". In the aetheric thunder of self-applause that followed (nay, rippled until convention, that is, amnesia), is it any wonder that the Time God would hate the same-twin on the other end of the aurbrilical cord, the Space God? That any Creation would become so utterly dangerous because of that singular fear of a singular word's addition: "I AM NOT"?
Akatosh says I AM. Lorkhan says I AM NOT. They are connected twins, part of the Rebel/King duality. Akatosh's mind broke, and the Aurbis is the fragments, which with Akatosh being everything fits in with the Godhead.
That all the Interplay is one flea of assertion on a wolf of naught, and that every experience (that is, everything) born from that primal wail would cascade unto the echo-need of hologram, each slice the same except for scale, and all the magic that would need to spring forth just to hold it together at living, divine cross-purpose, support struts made from the need to exist (axial, along its two-headed fighting rays, each refusing their origin point, that is, Tower), terrestons versus chronocules, and in the end (an end that ever refuses to hold) it all becomes a lobotomized (for what is not lobal if not the dracochoreography made flesh?), reptilian (coiled), and massive map-god (holding a compass, holding a timepiece), drooling (the water from which we dragged ourselves out of to say, mirror-like, autochthonic, automatic, "WE ARE, TOO") on his countless knees, dementia given dimension, dimension dementia...
The flea of assertion is Akatosh. The wolf of naught is Lorkhan. Akatosh states "This is true". Lorkhan states "Nothing is true." The next sentences describe the essential conflict between the IS/ISN'T, and describes a mindless insane beast, with traits of both gods. Judging by how it says "in the end", this beast is the result of the conflict.
As Lorkhan and Akatosh are fragments of Anu/Padomay, Anu is also insane. And as we all know, the dreaming Godhead is everything.
The Godhead is a being who is completely torn apart by the conflict. He hallucinates, and in his madness he has developed two personalities, the insane Anu/Anuiel/Akatosh who insists that reality is true, and Padomay/Sithis/Lorkhan who insists reality is false. As such, he can never find the truth. No wonder Lorkhan, a being of AM NOT, would try to create Nirn to help people attain CHIM, and thus see through the lies.The Loveletter describes a god of love as if it was an ideal state that has yet to be attained. As well, Eat the Dreamer's author appears to be in despair about reality. Note how it mentions that the fear of a singular words addition, "I AM NOT", makes creation dangerous. Zero-summing is succumbing to terror and denial, denying your own existence and thus ending it. The Godhead is a being of madness and torment, who is afraid of the possibility of non-existence which Padomay represents, and thus constantly denies it. The true goal of reality is to get the Godhead to let go of his fears, to notbe in perpetual conflict with himself but to love himself. To realize that nothing but he exists, but that it isn't such a nightmare. To know his delusions are lies but to love the lies anyway, like an author loves his stories despite knowing they are fiction. The Loveletter mentions hallucinations becoming lucid in his eyes. As he knows reality is but a dream, he can manipulate it. And when he has fallen into love, he can make existence paradise. The New Man becomes God becomes Amaranth. If the Godhead was a mortal, his state of mind would result in instant zero-summing. But when the Godhead changes so that this hypothetical mortal incarnation achieved CHIM, he will become Amaranth.
Torment runs the world, but Love can change it.