I have been doing lots of quests for the Fighters Guild, but haven't been able to advance beyond Swordsman (rank 2). Using a save game editor (DFHACK3), I checked my reputation and found the following relevant entries (not sure if the three first are related, but the last one must be):
Fighter Equippers : 94Fighter Questers : 100Fighter Trainers : 94The Fighters Guild : 100
Now, assuming the editor is reading the correct values, shouldn't I have received a higher rank? 100 reputation IS the max value, correct? Have I misunderstood how reputation works, or is this a known bug? I tried using FIXSAVE but it didn't find or fix anything.
Also while I'm at it, is there an easier way to check your reputation (in-game possibly)?
EDIT: Bah, I've been dealing with this issue for a couple of days, but now just after posting I came to remember that there are skill requirements too (archery, axe, blunt weapon, giantish, long blade, orcish and short blade). Using only one weapon, I don't have the necessary requirements for the second skill. So, NEVERMIND, no bug after all!

(However, I'm still interested in better ways to check your reputation.)