Ok, I'm running quite a few plugins so its a little hard for me to really distinguish which id's go with which mods, and i'm too lazy and strapped for time to go and enable plugin/disable plugin/start a new character every time the game ctd's from missing files. I'm wondering if there is a utility out there that will identify a plugin that is missing files its dependent on.
The items are listed there but the warnings text does not tell me what they are associated with. This is what it says:
TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\!WAR\CLD\WAR_CLD_HD2.nif" tex not found "_war_cld_head2.tga"! TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\!WAR\CLD\WAR_CLD_HD1.NIF" tex not found "_war_cld_head1.tga"! Texture Load Error!: _war_cld_head1.tga
That's the face that comes with the Cloud-Armor in Alakazar's Lamp. Maybe you just install over it one more time. I use it and I got these texes. They are not tga nevertheless but dds. You could look up for them in your textures folder and if you don't have them search for them in the packes folders of Alakazar's Lamp.
You need http://www.wingrep.com/download.htm to find related plugins if this happens again. Just search "Data Files" for the mesh names, use this filter: *.es?