new to modding oblivion - lots of experience modding morrowi

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:02 pm

Hi, I just aquired a decent gaming pc and am itching to mod up my game. I have quite a bit of experience installing and running mods for morrowind.

So far on my list, all I have is - Unique landscapes, unofficial oblivion patch, and OOO. Are there any obvious ones I have missed? Baring in mind I am looking to have quite a minimal mod list to avoid as many problems as possible.

Also, I am a bit confused concerning OOO and which versions to use - do I need to download version 1.32, and then overwrite with version 1.33, or is there something else I need?

Also, what is the most popular portable camp style mod?

Lastly, should I be using Oblivion Mod manager to install everything??

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:01 am

Concerning OOO, I do believe you want 1.33 (get the full install) and then patch it to 1.34 Beta 5. That said, 1.35 is due out soon and is (I think) going to be using a BSA file as opposed to separate files as the present versions do. You may also want to look into COBL and MMM (Martigen's Monster Mod). If you want something less heavy than OOO, TIE is worth a look. Arthmoor's Open Cities Reborn, New Roads and Bridges Revised and his assorted village mods are well worth using.

I don't use Unique Landscapes myself, but that's because this machine is old and has a seriously underpowered graphics card that can't display distant land and objects with Oblivion at 1024x768. Post-upgrade (something I'll be doing for Skyrim, primarily), I'll be taking a look at those.

If you're using the UOP, make sure to get the supplemental patches too (same for the mod patches).
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:14 am

Concerning OOO, I do believe you want 1.33 (get the full install) and then patch it to 1.34 Beta 5. That said, 1.35 is due out soon and is (I think) going to be using a BSA file as opposed to separate files as the present versions do. You may also want to look into COBL and MMM (Martigen's Monster Mod). If you want something less heavy than OOO, TIE is worth a look. Arthmoor's Open Cities Reborn, New Roads and Bridges Revised and his assorted village mods are well worth using.

I don't use Unique Landscapes myself, but that's because this machine is old and has a seriously underpowered graphics card that can't display distant land and objects with Oblivion at 1024x768. Post-upgrade (something I'll be doing for Skyrim, primarily), I'll be taking a look at those.

If you're using the UOP, make sure to get the supplemental patches too (same for the mod patches).

ok now I'm really confused - when I go to download OOO version 1.33 from nexus, it says it requires version 1.32f complete to work. Yet you are saying it doesn't? Also, on Obscuro's site, it links to a version which contains version 1.3 plus the patches for 1.31, 1.32, and 1.33, but the link simply links to version 1.3, not the patches.

So do I need to download v 1.3, and then all the three patches, or does 1.33 actually work without any other versions previously installed?? If I do indeed need the patches, where the hell are they??
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:03 am

ok now I'm really confused - when I go to download OOO version 1.33 from nexus, it says it requires version 1.32f complete to work. Yet you are saying it doesn't? Also, on Obscuro's site, it links to a version which contains version 1.3 plus the patches for 1.31, 1.32, and 1.33, but the link simply links to version 1.3, not the patches.

So do I need to download v 1.3, and then all the three patches, or does 1.33 actually work without any other versions previously installed?? If I do indeed need the patches, where the hell are they??

I'm also a morrowind player and just got to Oblivion. So I normally just compared the Morrowind mods that I often played and search for their variants in Oblivion mods.

As for OOO, I downloaded the 1.33 complete at Planet Elderscrolls, which after I downloaded the 1.34 beta. helps me, but you may have came across it already. The Nexus 1.33 upgrade I believe is an upgrade if you have 1.32f, thus if you had downloaded the 1.33 complete, it should work fine.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:14 am

First off I'd definitely recommend a Vanilla playthrough of Oblivion if you've yet to do so.

You can find OOO v1.33 Full linked in its thread on the forums, and you'll also be able to find a 1.34 patch, and all the information to make it oh so much less confusing. OOO's official site hasn't been updated in quite some time, so some of the information is out of date (but not all of it). The 1.34 patch only works with the FULL version of OOO. Make sure to read all of that thread.

Also, I'd recommend Wrye Bash ( to install everything over OBMM. There are a few mods I opted for OBMM just because it would have either been more of a pain to convert to a BAIN (BAsh INstaller) than I was willing to inflict upon myself, or because the OBMM installer does some scripting that I didn't wanna mess with (like scripted ini file edits).

I've found, and extremely helpful in building my new install list for my latest installation.

If you get familiar with modding and feel daring, you could attempt an FCOM install.

EDIT: I also like for ideas/mods. It's pretty out of date, but it's still useful.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:17 am

hey thanks for the help chaps. I think I know what I'm doing concerning OOO now. About Wrye Bash - I will grab that instead then, if the consensus is that it is generally better. Don't think I'll bother with an fcom install just yet - I can't stand ctds one bit, and have already played extensive amounts of vanilla on xbox, so I'm trying to forge the best, minimal mod selection. I've heard fcom can be unstable and hard to install. I will be reading all these helpful threads, and probably posting more problems/questions again shortly afterwards : P
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:50 am

I don't know about OOO, I haven't had it installed in a while.

Portable Campsite is the most popular camping mod. I've also heard good things about Camping and Adventurers Equipment, but I haven't played either.

Stick with Wrye Bash. It might look daunting, but It's actually not so complicated to use, and gives you much better control over your install than OBMM. Plus if you used Wrye Mash before, Bash won't be completely unfamiliar.

I can't attest to FCOM's instability or stability, but I know it requires more memory than vanilla, and since Oblivion will inevitably crash when memory usage reaches 1.75GB, you will get to that crash quicker when using FCOM, or any resource-intensive mod. The 4GB LAA exe patcher can help with that. Read up on it and Even without FCOM, you might want to use that patcher if you can.

I hope you want suggestions. :spotted owl:

For performance:

-Oblivion Stutter Remover
-Low TriPoly Grass
-Optimised Distant Land MAX
and Pyffi your BSAs.

If your computer svcks like mine, add
-Quiet Feet MAX
-Wisemans Reduced Textures (Bomret's Detailed Normal Maps makes them look decent at no FPS cost)
to that.
Another trick is to disable distant land in the Video Options. Personally I like the fog effect and I don't miss the awful LOD.

For gameplay:

-DarNified UI
-Qz Easy menus
-Phitt's Phighting Phixes
-Attribute-based and skill-based damage modifiers
-AV Uncapper (with JCN's settings)
-MOBS - Medieval Oblivion Balance System
-Realistic Fatigue
-Realistic Leveling
-Map Marker Overhaul
-Enhanced Economy
-Persuasion Overhaul
-Put It In Its Place - Enhanced Grabbing
-Supreme Magicka
-Lock Bash Omega
-SM Combat Hide
-Cava Obscura
-Adventurer Torches
-Alternative Beginnings
-Command Mount
-Harvest Flora
- (slows down animations for a less yakety sax-worthy effect)

For atmosphere:

-Weather - All Natural
-Enhanced Water
-Enhanced Vegetation
-Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys
-Unique Landscapes
-Bananasplit's Better Cities
-New Roads and Bridges Revised
-Let the People Drink
-MTC Thieves Grotto
-MTC Bravil Real Roan Stables and Stable Interiors
-Arthmoor's Villages

-Ambient Town Sounds
-More Immersive Sounds

-Natural Habitat (from Natural Environments)
-Autumn Trees
-Falling Stars

-Personality Idles NPCs and Companions
-AFK Prayer Idles
-Idle Dialogue

-Initial Glow
-Visual Enchantments

-Tycho's Shield On Back

-Optimized Facegen Files
-Improved Facial Textures
-Roberts' Body Replacers
^those 3 installed in that order.^

-Screen Effects or Oblivion Graphics Extender (if your rig can handle it)
for eyecandy.

And that's me going for a minimalistic approach.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:04 am

thanks for the suggestions WyndChyme, I'll definitely be using Weather - All Natural, it sounds too good to resist.

Ok I think I've got my head around using wrye bash, I am just a little lost as to whether I need to make a bashed patch? What exactly is it, and would I need one considering I am only using at max six or seven mods?

new problem - some of my mods are showing up funny colours in bash. The tick icon appears orange for 'xulPatch_AY_AC.esp'. What should I do about that?
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:56 am

If you're using All Natural, the bashed patch is mandatory. It's not hard to make, tho. When you installed Bash it should have put "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" in your Data folder. Find that in your Wrye Bash mods list, right-click it and select "Rebuild Patch." You'll get one or two dialogs with lots of checkboxes (which for your first run should probably be left default), then it'll build the patch -- takes a minute or two, depending on your mod list and PC horsepower. You need to do this pretty much every time you change anything in your load list, so wait until you've got everything in place.

Incidentally, you might try Francesco's instead of OOO for your first run through. It's a bit closer to the vanilla feel, and has been updated more recently -- which is important, because a couple of the mods bundled with OOO are rather badly broken. If you do stick with OOO then you should download Harvest Flora 3.0.1, and ditch Living Economy in favor of Enhanced Economy. (Note that the latter requires OBSE, as does Francesco's. There's no reason not to get OBSE, tho.)

Also, get BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software). You'll thank me later. :)
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:01 am

thanks for the tips, I will download enhanced economy instead, and I think I'll ditch Harvest flora all together as I'm not too bothered about it anyway. I guess I'll grab OBSE too, and BOSS. Cheers!
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:23 am

Right, I have a decent mod list sorted out, and have been doing some testing, and found a few little problems -

When non-voiced npcs talk, their dialogues zoom past too fast for me to read - this is the biggest problem, and one I would reallylike to sort out if possible - anyone heard of this before?

Rain sounds really quiet. I don't remember if it was this low in vanilla, but it really can't have been - I have to turn the volume way up to hear rain. I am guessing this is something to do with All Natural, as it introduces interior weather sounds?

They are the only problems I have found from some basic testing, and any light you geniuses could shed on those two minor annoyances would be great, as I am reluctant to start playing properly until it is sorted.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:58 am

Those are pretty easy to fix. For the first one, you want It requires obse, so if you haven't grabbed it yet, go get it. While you're at it get Oblivion Stutter Remover and Fast Exit 2. They're simple little plug-ins but I would say they're mandatory for running oblivion.

For rain (and other) sounds, there are several options, but a good one is If your system supports it, you might want to have a look at, another obse plug-in that adds surround sound to the game and helps bring out a lot of the ambient sounds. Also make sure your music is turned off or way down or you won't hear most of the game sounds anyway.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:49 am

Those are pretty easy to fix. For the first one, you want It requires obse, so if you haven't grabbed it yet, go get it. While you're at it get Oblivion Stutter Remover and Fast Exit 2. They're simple little plug-ins but I would say they're mandatory for running oblivion.

For rain (and other) sounds, there are several options, but a good one is If your system supports it, you might want to have a look at, another obse plug-in that adds surround sound to the game and helps bring out a lot of the ambient sounds. Also make sure your music is turned off or way down or you won't hear most of the game sounds anyway.

hey thanks a bunch for the snappy response! I've just grabbed everything you said, except the EAX thing, although I am debating it. Just remebered another thing that confused me a little concerning ooo (i think) - So these chests that glow purple indicates what exactly? That they are bashable or trapped or something? It wont seem to let me try to lock pick them either? Also, is it right that haggle seems to be completely disabled? I know ooo (or enhanced economy) change what haggle does, I am just not sure how exactly - is it normal that I can't haggle with these two mods active?
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:36 am

hey thanks a bunch for the snappy response! I've just grabbed everything you said, except the EAX thing, although I am debating it. Just remebered another thing that confused me a little concerning ooo (i think) - So these chests that glow purple indicates what exactly? That they are bashable or trapped or something? It wont seem to let me try to lock pick them either? Also, is it right that haggle seems to be completely disabled? I know ooo (or enhanced economy) change what haggle does, I am just not sure how exactly - is it normal that I can't haggle with these two mods active?

Haggling can be disabled by enhanced economy. It doesn't have to be. You can set it up in the ini file. Actually everything in enhanced economy is customizable which is the nice thing about it. You can also set it to limit the number of haggle attempts, and what the penalty is if you get refused too many times.

The chests glowing is for lock bashing. It's been awhile since I played ooo, so someone may correct me, but iirc, if you activate a chest with your weapon out, it glows and then you can attack it and eventually it should open. (Bashing also has a tendency to alert every enemy in a dungeon too). You can lockpick it by selecting it normally without your weapon drawn or selecting it in sneak mode, I forget which. Also, ooo won't let you bash or pick locks if you're in combat.
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