My goal is to make Morrowind look prettier and function better without fundamentally altering any aspect of the gameplay. I'm also wary of alterations of the executable; I just don't want to have to monkey around with having to reinstall because my game was broken.... but I'm willing to try, if you guys think it's safe.
Years ago, I ran with a number of visual enhancers. These included Better Bodies, some face replacer mods, some kind of lighting mod (Darker Morrowind?), and I'm pretty sure I was running something that completely retextured the landscape or something like that. I don't recall what they all were. Has anybody put together an "omnibus" mod that combines the best of these into a single stable package?
Secondly, big packages:
MPP: I pretty sure I ran the UMP years ago, which I understand became the MPP. But I've also seen some things that suggest that the purpose of the project has drifted from simply fixing bugs to attempts at game balance alteration... which I am not interested in. Or maybe that was another big patch project; I'm not sure.
Morrowind Graphics Extender: it scares me, and I understand a number of people have had bad experiences with it. I don't really need an improvement to the raw graphics (just that the modding community has some better artists than Bethesda had back then)... but what's the general opinion on this?
Morrowind Overhaul: This is more a "let's make the whole game better" type thing than a simple graphics enhancement, right? Changes to gameplay and stuff? And it seems to rely on something like the MGE. Is this correct?
Morrowind Code Patch: Another scary one, as it alters the executable. There's some stuff in there that looks kind of cool... but is it worth it?
Finally, content additions. Right now, I'm really not looking for additions of quest lines and such (certainly not looking for additional landmasses)... but has anybody done particularly good work extending what I'm going to call "stub" quests? I'm talking about things like the Twin Lamps and such, factions and questlines that look like something Beth started working on but didn't have a chance to finish. I'm looking for work that is so good and unobtrusive that, were my memory foggier than it generally is and someone else put it in there for me, I wouldn't be able to tell if it was original content or a mod.
Addendum: I will be playing while I wait for answers. So anything recommended cannot break my savegame.