» Tue May 08, 2012 6:48 pm
I did discover that when I took a look at the script.
I figured I would need to find out where the script was hanging up at since there were no problems on loading the save game before leaving the sixth house temple.
(Load save inside temple, no error. Recall spell-> Balmora, saved. Exited. Loaded save, error)
So I loaded up the save, skipped the error, and tried to see if the soul sickness would disappear as the script described. The soul sickness did in fact go away completely. But now that I think about it, I may have lost one of the soul sickness-es. I though I had 3, but perhaps I only had 2. Hm.
Anyway, the script seems to be running normally still and all instances of soul sickness were removed after sleeping away from the ash statues.