» Tue May 08, 2012 11:42 pm
Body mods don't "include" Argonians, or better yet, they include "all" races. You cannot change meshes on a per-race basis, as all races use the same meshes. Only textures can be changed, and a body mod "not" providing fitting Argonian body textures while it replaced the body meshes "all" races will use would just have "destroyed" the entire Argonian race, and as such (hopefully) won't exist.
If it's only "a few" Argonians but not "all" there's also no use in removing "the race's" tail meshes, so they revert back to Vanilla. Best this can cause is the tails' textures no longer working on the now-wrong tail meshes.
The issue is originating from skeleton files being assigned "per actor", so you can very well have NPCs of a beast race which aren't using the beast skeletons, and as such are missing the tail bones. Vertices rigged to bones which aren't in the skeleton used will "not know where to stick to" (simply speaking) and just shoot off into infinity. The mod these Argonian NPCs come from is likely to blame for this, but it can very easily be fixed on your end by doing what Peter ID suggested last.
The Maximum Compatibility Skeleton package will install the same file for both beast and humanoid skeleton, and as such it won't matter anymore that the wrong skeleton was assigned for those NPCs. Of course you can do this yourself as well, just copy your "skeletonbeast.nif" over your "skeleton.nif", unless there are different skeleton replacers at work for both skeletons, then you could be loosing features from one by replacing it with the other.
The most compatible skeleton replacement I've seen so far is Growlf's Universal Skeleton. It includes all features which are inside the famous Maximum Compatibility Skeleton, plus several some more.