The sword has a fire damage enchantment on it, and a script effect. The shader that won't go away looks like the Disintegrate Armor effect shader. And so my assumption was that some mod of mine has made it so the magical effect for scripted effects now has the Disintegrate Armor shader as an enchantment effect.
I loaded up the most likely culprits in the CS. OOO, LAME, Midas, and any mod that even remotely looks related to graphics or magic effects do not change this effect to have an enchantment shader. So i tried to get rid of it on my own. I have my own "tweaks" esp. I made it so the script effect does not have an enchantment shader attached to it. Didn't work. Loaded it up before the Bashed Patch, merged, then tried it after the Bashed Patch. That shader is still there.
I've hit a wall. At this point, I don't think I care which mod adds it - I just want to know how to get rid of it, with my own tweaks or otherwise. Any suggestions?