I like to use DMC Stylish (non specialanims version), Stylish Jump (non special again), and Woman's Move More Feminine Walk Forward (I should mention that this one is packaged in a specialanims folder by default). Woman's Move has always given me trouble. I mod the game obsessively so I often break it and have to reinstall from scratch, and I always, ALWAYS have to fight with Woman's Move to get it to work. The directions are very vague and in broken English so that's part of the problem. The other part is I'm a noob. I do, however, use Wrye Bash basic functions and bashed patch, BOSS, OBMM, etc. I have TES4Edit but I only know how to automatically clean mods in it and nothing else.
Now as for my question. How the hell do you use Mayu Animation Replacer? I'm so confused. I got scared and uninstalled it, and now when I reinstall via OBMM it doesn't give me any options or ask me anything. It definitely doesn't seem to do anything when I load it after my animation mods. The game just ignores it. NPCs still do the DMC attack moves, and even MALE NPCs do the more feminine woman's move walk.
Does anyone know about animations? If I have to do something in the CS I'm willing to do it, I just need to know what it is. How in the heck do I get this stuff to work right? Argh! Thanks in advance<3