» Wed May 09, 2012 4:19 am
Unfortunately you do have to become Listener of the Dark Brotherhood first. You would have to role-play it as an "undercover" mission to get at the heart of the organization. However the main quest in tDBC is neutral until the end. Some of the side quests are evil, but they can all be turned down.
We're planning on putting a guide together that gives details on the orientation of the side quests. Not all of them are evil.
I don't really want to give away too much of the story, but there are a lot of players who play the Dark Brotherhood quest line early on and then repent their sins, so to speak, and do Knights of the Nine. We have designed tDBC with such players in mind. We also cater to players who love the DB and wish to see it thrive.
But if you've been playing your entire game as a paladin, you will probably find the DB quest line too distasteful. You would have to play it with an end-goal in mind.