» Tue May 08, 2012 9:58 pm
Without the "invisible wall" you eventually fall off the edge of the map. You'll find progressive degradation of content once you're out of sight of the borders, as there's no need for trees etc. that can't normally be seen, but this takes quite a trek. Gross features like distant mountains really are there, and you can go to them. There just won't be a lot to see when you get there. On the other hand, you'll find plants you can harvest ingredients from etc. close to the borders, as they're generated for the entire "region", which typically spills over the map boundaries a bit.
Oh, and you'll have to walk/swim all the way, because there aren't any fast travel locations outside the borders. Take care you don't fall down a cliff and get killed. Make a save before you leave the known universe!
Depending on where you decide to cross the border, it may be difficult to return. There are slopes too steep to climb back up in a lot of places.