» Tue May 08, 2012 6:43 pm
There are two main schools of thought on lighting in Oblivion. Lighting can utterly destroy your framerate and make the game no fun. This happens when there are intersecting light radii. Oblivion, unlike Morrowind, cannot handle intersecting light radii well. The makers of the levels in Oblivion did not know or care about the problem with framerate in the presence of intersecting light radii, so they did their lighting with an eye toward making things look good.
Nowadays many modders place their lighting with an eye toward maximum framerate. They don't want to have any light radii intersecting in a large cell, especially if numerous actors and animations are present. This makes it so the cells don't look as good, and things might end up darker, or end up with unnaturally high light levels in the cell to compensate for lack of functioning light source points. But it greatly improves framerate.
So what you build depends on what you want:
(1) Beautiful lighting, and jerky stuttering laggy game.
(2) Ugly utilitarian lighting and great framerate and performance.