Now THIS is something I have learnt - apologies for hijacking the thread but - how do you do this...?
1) Get your layout how you like it in-game, then screenshot the settings tab for reference.
2) Open the hudmainmenu_config.xml in a plain text editor, Notepad works fine, don't use Word or anything simliar
3) Copy the coordinates of each frame you moved in-game to their respective spots in the .xml file, save, & go! The sections are labeled and commented, so it's pretty easy to figure out what number goes where. You can also take a second screenshot of the default settings from in-game to compare the coordinates to what's in the .xml file, that can help you identify what is what.
4) When you're all done, back up the .xml file, so next time you reinstall Darn UI, you can just drop it back in.