I've mentioned previously that I have a few different ideas for expanding WEPON (Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts, in my signature).
One of those ideas--adding Stalhrim and Adamantium armor--looks like it's already being taken care of by Oblivion Intensity.
The other major idea was as follows:
The problem I keep running into with this idea is how to prevent its abuse. I'd like both unenchanted and enchanted weapons/armor to be able to go through this process one time, and one time only. In the Construction Set, I could mark the unenchanted equipment with some variable that prevents it from being upgraded a second time...but, as soon as that equipment is enchanted, it takes on a new objectID, which means it would no longer be marked as un-upgradeable. So it could be upgraded a second time.A "Lost Daedric Shrine of Jyggalag" would be added to Cyrodiil, where the player could communicate with Jyggalag after the events of Shivering Isles have concluded. Jyggalag, in thanks for freeing him from the Greymarch, would offer to boost the strength of any weapon or piece of armor by "reordering" it, using a crystal, gem, or metal alloy you provide to him as a lattice. For example, a Daedric Longsword plus a Flawless Diamond might increase the Sword's strength and health by 20%, while a Daedric Longsword plus a Pearl might lower its weight 5%. The right combination might even yield a completely new type of equipment, not available anywhere else...
Do you have any ideas (short of disallowing enchanted equipment from being upgraded) to get around this problem? Am I going to have to modify the item enchanting script itself?