[WIP] Legion Armor Replacer Project
This project aims to replace Imperial Legion, Imperial Watch/Palace, and Dragon Armor meshes.
The meshes used are from some armor and clothing pieces already available in vanilla Oblivion, as well as the lowerbody sections from Robert's Male average/muscular v 5.2and TGND v2 Beta (all underwear versions). A Robert's Female version is currently in progress.
The helmet is a modified version of the Amerlion Ceremonial helm. The crested version uses the crest area used by the Imperial Legion Horseback helm.
The cuirass retains most of its look with the exception of its sleeves and shoulders. See the pictures below.
The gauntlets are from the Orcish armor set.
The greaves use the lowerbody sections from their respective body replacer mods but have knee guards covering the knees.
The boots are from the Iron armor set.
Here are some pictures showing how they look:
http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg606/zenshinzenrei/Oblivion%20-%20Legion%20Armor%20Replacer%20Project/LegionFrontCU.jpg using the cuirass texture from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4734
http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg606/zenshinzenrei/Oblivion%20-%20Legion%20Armor%20Replacer%20Project/LegionGreaves.jpg using legs and shorts from Robert's Male v 5.2
http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg606/zenshinzenrei/Oblivion%20-%20Legion%20Armor%20Replacer%20Project/LegionWithMWStyleShield.jpg with http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/748-legion-shield-replacer/
While the meshes are mostly complete, the textures are far from finished. This is where the request comes in...
I am looking for a texture artist willing to help complete the look for the armors. If anyone's interested please leave a comment or PM me.
Comments and ideas are welcome.