Crash on load from main menu

Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:34 am

Here's a boss list... I think it shows my load order.

I had hit 255 earlier in my experimenting, so you can see I've cut it down quite a bit...

I don't see any OBSE plugins that should be causing problems.

I put my OBSE plugins in BAIN packages, so they get installed/uninstalled when I need them.

0 of 106 plugins hidden. 0 of 51 messages hidden.

No internet connection detected. Masterlist auto-updater aborted. Recognised plugins: 90 Warning messages: 0 Unrecognised plugins: 16 Error messages: 0 Ghosted plugins: 0 Total number of messages: 51 Total number of plugins: 106
Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins.
?Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins
  • OBSE Version:
  • AddActorValues.dll
  • AddActorValues_CS.dll
  • algohol.dll
  • Elys_USV.dll
  • FastExit2.dll
  • OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll
  • open_cities.dll
  • vipcxj_plugin_collection.dll
  • weOCPS.dll
?Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins
  • Oblivion.esm Active
  • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm Version 0.9.7 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Eyes, Graphics, Hair, R.Relations}}
  • Open Cities Resources.esm Version 4.1.3 Active
  • CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm Version 1.4.9 Active
  • Toaster Says Share v3.esm Version 3.23 Active
  • x117race.esm Version 0.7.8
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair}}
  • Diverse Magic Effects Resource.esm Active
    • Requires: OBSE 19+, OBME 1+.
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp Version 3.2.0 Active
    • Note: Use Standalone MOBS if using Frans or OMOBS if using FCOM/OOO. Both versions can be found here:
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.Stats, C.Climate, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, Creatures.Blood, Delev, Factions, Invent, NPC.Class, Names, Relations, Relev, Scripts, Stats}} and remove [C.Water] tag(s) (only exist in older version).
  • Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp Active
  • DLCShiveringIsles.esp Active
  • Better Cities .esp Version 4.7.0 Active
    • Note: Dummy file to load Better Cities .BSA
  • LoadingScreens.esp Version 1.0 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Graphics}}
  • MIS.esp Active
  • MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Scripts}}
  • Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp Version 1.1 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Sound}}
  • OBSE-Storms & Sound.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one Storms and Sound mod file.
    • Note: This one is compatible with all weather mods.
  • OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one Storms and Sound mod file.
    • Note: This one is compatible with all weather mods.
  • MIS Weather.esp Active
  • _cities_alive_at_night.esp Active
  • WindowLightingSystem.esp Active
  • Bedrollsanyone.esp Active
  • VipCxj_BulletCamera.esp Active
  • Encyclopaedia Cyrodilica.esp Active
  • SD.esp Active
  • Shield on Back 3.1.esp Active
    • Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.
  • VipCxj_AirSystem.esp Active
    • Requires: OBSE 20+, Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons, VipCxj's Plugin Collection v3
  • Get Wet.esp Active
  • Dynamic Map.esp Version 2.1.1
  • Landmarks, w Wells.esp Version 1.10 Active
  • HouseMapMarkersOnlyBought.esp Version 1.4 Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 27 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES4Edit cleaning:
  • Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete V2.esp Active
    • Note: Don't use hotkeys to change Warcry-style 'set' equipment. Game bug.
    • Note: Old, Update to V2a+.
  • DLCHorseArmor.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Scripts}}
  • DLCOrrery.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages}}
  • DLCVileLair.esp Active
    • Incompatible with: 'Kumiko Manor'
  • DLCMehrunesRazor.esp Active
  • DLCSpellTomes.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
  • Cloud Armor Compilation.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent, Stats}}
  • Daedric_Katana_0.4_vendors_and_leveled.esp Version 0.4 Active
    • Note: Use only one of the three Daedric_Katana_0.4 ESPs.
  • HTBUnholyChapelShop.esp Active
  • IvyArmor_Full.esp Active
  • That's so Nico v1.1.esp Active
  • Silverlight Armor by Jojjo.esp Active
  • Thunderbird Armor.esp
  • sixy Ghost Armor.esp
  • HorsesTurnFaster.esp Active
    • Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead where possible.
  • DLCThievesDen.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Name, C.Light, Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.Stats}}
  • Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp Version 3.21 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Names, NpcFaces}}
  • Clintmichs Beautiful IC District Pack Plus.esp Active
  • JolardHome.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats}}
  • MolagBalTreasury.esp Active
  • Snow Dragon Temple v1.0.esp Version 1.1 Active
  • Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp Version 1.6. Active
  • Wayshrines in the University.esp Active
  • DLCBattlehornCastle.esp Active
  • DLCFrostcrag.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Name, C.Owner, Factions}}
  • Knights.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, Factions, Relations}}
  • The Lost Spires.esp Active
  • Blood&Mud.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, NpcFaces}}
  • Origin of the Mages Guild.esp Version 6.1 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, Relations}}
  • road+bridges.esp Version 4.6.3 Active
  • HentaiMania2.esp Version 0.2.2 Active
    • Note: Needs TES4Edit cleaning:
  • Skingrad outer district.esp Active
  • Open Cities Outer Districts.esp Version 4.1.1 Active
  • Open Cities Reborn.esp Version 1.1.3 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Name}}
  • Open Cities Reborn B&M Additions.esp Version 1.1.3 Active
  • Jhaerik's Dungeon Fog Remover.esp Active
  • Unlimited Rings 1.0.esp Active
    • Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead.
  • Unlimited Amulets 1.0.esp Active
    • Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead.
  • WPHealthRegen.esp Version 1.0 Active
  • Telekinetic Mastery.esp Version 2 Active
  • SetBody.esp Active
  • ND_LongerSummons_x3.esp Active
  • IshMultipleApparelEnchantments.esp Version 0009a Active
    • Requires: OBSE.
  • RenGuardOverhaul.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.AIData}}
  • RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp Active
    • Note: Obsolete. Remove this and update to v2.08+.
  • Bow_Damage_Equalizer.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Stats}}
  • CombatFPSOptimizer.esp Active
  • Jhaerik's Anti Power-Gaming Leveling System 3 (Balanced).esp Active
    • Note: Use only one Jhaerik's Anti Power-Gaming Leveling System*.esp
  • DMC Stylish - Specialanims.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.Anims}}
  • zzEstrus.esp Active
  • FastTravelAllowed.esp Active
  • Demoness.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, R.Relations}}
  • DemonRace.esp Version 2.9.16 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, R.Relations}}
  • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp Version 0.9.7 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, Eyes, R.Relations}}
  • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed CustomRace.esp Active
  • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Ashara's Sirens and Tritons.esp Version 3.0 Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, Eyes, R.Relations}}
  • Lop-ears Elf.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, R.Relations}}
  • SuccubusRace.esp Active
  • bgMagicEV.esp Version 1.6EV Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Names, Delev, Relev}} if you are running more than one magic overhaul and want to use LAME spell names.
    • Note: Move Supreme Magica after LAME if you want Supreme Magica spell stats.
    • Contains dirty edits: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • a4VnlObSI_HiResHGEC-BBB-Fems+RmMales.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Body-F, Body-Size-F, Body-M, Body-Size-M, Graphics, R.Ears, R.Head, R.Mouth, R.Teeth, Voice-F, Voice-M}}
?Unrecognised Plugins

Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.

  • ArcaneVelocityDMG200.esp Active
  • Silverlight Armor Addon by Xcytress.esp Active
  • NeoDarkarmor.esp Active
  • AlirEisen.esp Active
  • Bigger_Soul_Gem.esp Active
  • Sigil Stone Fuser.esp Active
  • DistantMod 1.30 EV..esp Active
  • TheLegacy.esp Version 1.3 Active
  • Azure Warrior Chest.esp Active
  • FullGrass1.1.esp Active
  • Lop-ears Elf_mini.esp
  • Tib's Attractive Women.esp Active
  • Summon 3 Creatures.esp Active
  • sixy Daedric Priestess.esp Active
  • Colourwheels sixy Imperial Companion.esp
  • zzEstrusCleaner.esp Active
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:27 pm

Did you read that BOSS log yourself before posting? There are some pretty obvious errors in it.
The only shader plugin I noticed is Get Wet.esp, try to remove it.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:51 pm

Did you read that BOSS log yourself before posting? There are some pretty obvious errors in it.
The only shader plugin I noticed is Get Wet.esp, try to remove it.

It isn't a DLL, -- I thought those were potential issues with OBGE -- and things going 'monocolor' (it's goes to whatever the dominant shade would be on entry... so black, sometimes, brown, grey...etc)...

I see one plugin where it says there is a 2+ version instead of a "2" version, but errors?

Most of the messages I see are information only-- like put Lame before Supreme magicka -- nice to know if I ever use Supreme magicka which I am not.

It tells you lots of stuf like that .. that have nothing to do with anything in my load order.

The only other thing would be if I want to clean other people modules -- but that shouldn't cause a graphics bug -- maybe a crash on exit or something...

What errors are you referring to?

FWIW -- I went to clean the mods that were dirty -- they aren't even in my load order anymore (It changes frequently -- like with every crash or problem, I tweak something else -- since I know that whatever IS loaded, isn't right... ;-/
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 4:26 am

If the log says that a version of the mod you are using is outdated, it is an error.
I have not kept up with the requirements of a modded Oblivion since 11/13/11, but the UOP is at version 3.4.
You are running BBC and OCR together, but you do not have the proper esp's selected from BBC to do it correctly. There is a patch for Sounds of Cyrodill and OCR available.
weOCPS can cause more problems than it fixes, You should not need it to be able to play Oblivion if you take the time to get the current versions of the mods you are using, and do what the BOSS log is recommending.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:05 am

What errors are you referring to?
Well, you might have reasons to be ignoring them, but off the top I see the following:

OBSE-Storms & Sound.esp Active
Note: Use only one Storms and Sound mod file.
Note: This one is compatible with all weather mods.

OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp Active
Note: Use only one Storms and Sound mod file.
Note: This one is compatible with all weather mods.
[As BOSS says, and the readme, use only one of these ESPs. If you have SI, use only the SI version.]

Shield on Back 3.1.esp Active
Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.

Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete V2.esp Active
Note: Don't use hotkeys to change Warcry-style 'set' equipment. Game bug.
Note: Old, Update to V2a+.

HorsesTurnFaster.esp Active
Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead where possible.

Unlimited Rings 1.0.esp Active
Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead.

Unlimited Amulets 1.0.esp Active
Note: Use Wrye Bash Bashed Patch tweak instead.

RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp Active
Note: Obsolete. Remove this and update to v2.08+.

[Edit: While none of these appear to directly affect your current problem, stranger things have happened.]

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katie TWAVA
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 4:30 am


The suggestions it makes aren't useful if they are bogus.

I looked for the upgrade for the hotkeys -- not available.

I looked for an upgrade for something else it suggested. Not available.

it's nice that there are upgrades, but unless it gives a reference, it's blowin smoke.

The stuff about 'wrye bash tweaks'. I have wrye bash -- there are no tweaks listed for those things... more smoke

The comment about warcry -- I don't have it -- irrelevant (more smoke).

The storms and sounds -- comes in 6 or 8 parts, 4 pairs of files 1 for Oblivion, and 1 for SI.

I have both loaded because I have both esp's loaded. But I only have 1 of the options loaded.

From the readme, they split the functionality into 2 parts 1 for main game and one for addon SI -- but
they also had 'manual' flavors for OOO, FCOM, and one or two others -- or the script version. I chose
the script version but both parts of it. Again.. BOSS isn't helpful in giving explanations...It also messes up
the order sometimes so that one mod will overwrite the effects of another.

Case in point. The rings & amulets -- If they are before the LAME spell mod, it cuts them.
Something else also cuts only amulets, (as it isn't working, only 'rings' are -- they have both worked in
the past).

Unfortunately, there are no messages above that it gives any clue about HOW to address.

It doesn't classify those as errors -- there's a count at the beginning -- and it says 0 errors (but lots of messages)...
but the messages often are inapplicable (for mods I don't have installed) or for updates that can't be

FWIW -- The game is mostly running, but I still have problems entering caves/dungeons -- . But the work around
is fairly simple. I enter... the game only loads the first shade, and no textures. (that's what happens -- as when it works, I
can see it paint the shade first, then a texture on top of it. Anyway -- saving game at that point is 'fine' -- not corrupt.
and on reload, it loads the texture.

So it's flakey. That and it often moves in slow-motion even though the frame rate is around 20-30.

I can watch a 'second' timer for a spell counting down -- and 1 second = 2 real seconds at times.

The thing that made the game more stable was uninstalling Open cities...

I've never seen the slow motion thing before with high frame rates -- sorta worthless to have
high frame rates if it's all in slo-mo...That reminds me -- there some FPS settings in the ini..
maybe I should try tweaking those... (for the slo-mo prob, not the no-texture prob)...

I would love it if BOSS was a bit more helpful. But without sources to back up it's claims, that's
not real helpful.
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sexy zara
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:41 am

The stuff about 'wrye bash tweaks'. I have wrye bash -- there are no tweaks listed for those things... more smoke

Of course there are. I use basically all the ones it mentions.

Off the top of my head (not in front of Bash at the moment)

Rebuild Pach -> Various Tweaks (down towards the bottom)

There are two or three categories of Tweaks.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:09 am

Of course there are. I use basically all the ones it mentions. Off the top of my head (not in front of Bash at the moment) Rebuild Pach -> Various Tweaks (down towards the bottom) There are two or three categories of Tweaks.
Ahh.... I think I see what you are saying... they aren't talking about the tweaks in the INI section. They are talking about some different area of tweaks that is presented when you build a bash-merged patched?

I haven't done that yet... been a bit afraid to since last time I did it pulled in a bunch of things I didn't want -- and I wasn't familiar enough with the options to know how to limit it. As it as, it appeared to want to pull in random elements from other various modules which I was afraid would lock me into having those elements loaded all the time, and not being able to easily deactivate them -- and since my setup isn't stable, I didn't want to be locked into anything, as I constantly trying different things.... (in both directions -- add/subtract).. i.e. if I am getting enough perf, and want to try something, I might try adding a few mods and see if it affects anything, at the same time, I go through the list again and try to par down anything that wouldn't excessively hurt playability -- sometimes changing my definition of what to focus on (at first it was all long distance views and anything that built up the environment as a 'base', then I had a group of what I thought of as local-effect tweaks, like the more -rings thing -- or items and attire, that group sorta mixes with the 'character+race mods (both in terms of look and adding new races)...

Tried for some nice clean categories, but some mods are resistant to being simply categories -- containing places, env mods, spell mods, (overhaul type mods).... Those are usually the last things I'd try, but being aware that some of the 'more local mods' might need to have special versions to adapt to the larger mods...

Boss does a fairly good job of getting something that will work, but it may not work the way you want (and that is something that is subjective... like if you want one mod's spells to override or have priority over another's... it can't know which you prefer).

At times like that, I wish it would present a dependency chain, and let me order within the constraints of that -- i.e. if
two spell mods are independent, but can stomp on each other's effects, put them side by side in the dependency chain and note that which ever is loaded last will be dominant, and you may lose features of the first loaded (or one may completely replace the other)... but then a user can know how to order those things to give higher priority items a later load order within the constraints of dependencies.

I had a hard time when looking at the create-a Wrye-bash patch options, selecting which mods I wanted to include. Seems like
I'd have to go through all mods on my list that I didn't want merge and mark them non-mergeable to prevent WB from swallowing them -- vs. being able to start from all being non-mergeable, and only selecting ones I want to merge... maybe that's what
I need to do -- ?? Select all -> mark no-merge, then only mark merge the ones I want.

I was afraid that by marking them no-merge, they would all turn 'black', and no longer would it show me which could be merged, since there are some modules that have a no-merge tag in them that are 'technically mergeable', but I saw no way to turn off that 'no merge flag'... Was I missing something ? Is that the right direction to go? flag everything no-merge, and then only merge the things you want?

IMO, the default to merge random parts of anything it can find to merge seems like a poor default. -- at least it could default to only merging 'whole' esp's, vs. sometimes it only wants to merge parts of one -- and what good is that? Don't you still have to load the original esp?? Otherwise how does the non-merged stuff get loaded?
The merging thing is a concept I still don't understand...

HOWEVER -- I'm not sure that merging things together that are known not to work together (i.e. cause some of the bugs/problems I am seeing), is a great idea -- which is why I haven't given alot of though to trying to merge things at this point -- seems like that's a 'optimization' step that would be applied after you have a working
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:31 am

Hopefully someone much more familiar with bash tagging will speak up, but assuming you are not happy with the 'standard result' from BOSS and WB, you have to learn to use both the BOSS 'userlist.txt' file and overriding bash tags in WB.

Recall that the BOSS list is a community based list of 'best guesses for most people' orderings. The best it can do is group things by 'these should go before those' types of file. It's efficacy is highly dependent upon people reporting conflicts and errors or misinformation they encounter to the BOSS thread. It was never possible for it to provide individual preferences 'out of the box'. Which is why the 'userlist.txt' file is your friend. That lets you add mods (and notes to yourself) not in the masterlist and 'override' masterlist ordering with your own preferences. While I haven't had to do so myself, from others comments in the BOSS thread I believe you CAN put conditional ordering such as "if 'this.esp' is found, then place 'that.esp' after/before it". It requires learning the advanced syntax used in the masterlist, which is not in the 'userlist' docs.

In general bash tags are assigned by the mod author, which are what BOSS lists along with community determined necessities. The assumption is that you want all the aspects of that mod to be retained. Of course that assumption doesn't always hold true when dealing with individual preferences. So WB provides the means to change the bash tags assigned to a mod.

Bash Tags "tell Wrye Bash that they contain certain changes that should be preserved even if another mod also changes the same things" (from the General Readme). That enables mod records that otherwise wouldn't win the 'last to touch the record' race to still 'win' by importing those records. Now presumably you won't have multiple mods deliberately changing the same thing (conflicts), but when that does happen you have to decide which you want to win and make sure only that mod's tags apply for the element in question. [Edit: just found a clarification in Wrye Bash thread 90, post 195:
Nephenee13, on 15 April 2012 - 05:30 AM, said:

"Question, to make sure I understand Bash Tag behavior properly.

Bash tags make it so that multiple mods can alter different aspects of the same record, however two mods which both alter the same aspect of a record will still conflict. In that case, and assuming they both have the same Bash Tag, the one that loads later will win when the Bashed Patch is made, correct?"

Not exactly - it depends on the tag, because for some record types you can merge changes, whereas for others you can only have one change, eg. levelled lists vs. cell music. In my docs rewrite, I differentiate the two types by describing them as "merging changes" and "preserving changes" respectively. Most Bash Tags preserve changes rather than merge.
end edit]

Note that this is different than 'Merging Plugins'. "Plugins that contain only certain types of data records can be merged into the Bashed Patch. This then allows these plugins to be deactivated, freeing up space in your load order." (Again from the General Readme, my emphasis.) If you don't want a plugin merged, why do you want it in your LO at all? It can only be deactivated if ALL of it's records can be merged. (Typically items or meshes/textures.) Even when merging, the 'rule of one' still applies. Last always wins. Which is why you have to think of BOSS along side WB. Order is always crucial.

Every time you change your load order you HAVE to rebuild your Bashed Patch. Failure to do so is just guaranteeing problems. And if you add/remove anything affecting the landscape, you should rebuild your LOD files as well. Just part of the price you have to pay to use a modded game. At least the v290+ versions of WB are relatively quick and easy to rebuild.

[Edit: Despite all of the above, I have yet to find a reason to override ANY mods bash tags as suggested by BOSS. And I routinely merge every plugin that is suggested. Every problem I have had with the BP has been due to a failure to follow it's rules. When it comes to 'stubborn', software wins every time until you can convince the developer to change it.]

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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:52 am

I took those bash tags to be things that should have been assigned by the authors? no?

It doesn't make sense to have every user to have to do patching, when it could be done once for everyone.

But the one time I accidently built a patch it didn't merge all parts of mods -- it merged partials which meant I couldn't get
them out of my load order.

I was told that was normal -- but it doesn't sound right as it defeats the purpose of getting them out of your load order.
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:07 am

I took those bash tags to be things that should have been assigned by the authors? no?

It doesn't make sense to have every user to have to do patching, when it could be done once for everyone.

But the one time I accidently built a patch it didn't merge all parts of mods -- it merged partials which meant I couldn't get
them out of my load order.

I was told that was normal -- but it doesn't sound right as it defeats the purpose of getting them out of your load order.

No, you...don't seem to be getting it, in fact, you are thinking too hard about it. By and large building a Bashed Patch is automated at this point, especially if you aren't actively in the weeds of modding yourself.

Bash Tags are assigned either by the original author (in the most ideal case...) or by others who have experience, and have determined what records need to be pulled into the Bashed Patch.

A Bashed Patch does two things, one is it allows "merging" of mods. In general, an ESP which does not add anything, that only changes exsting records, either in Oblivion.esm or in fact any other ESM or ESP file can be merged and "deactivated", which means the entire ESP is now a part of the Bashed Patch. These Mergable mods are almost always automatically detected by Wrye Bash, and marked in green text. Some ESPs which are technically mergable shouldn't be, they will be tagged as "NoMerge", but this is something you don't need to worry about that. If an ESP shouldn't be merged, others will have determined that. There are also some ESPs which can be "imported/NoMerge", which is when only certain records are necessary. These are marked in purple, again you don't need to worry about this unless you really want to get into the weeds.

The other (and arguably most important) thing the Bashed Patch does is allow for multiple ESPs to affect the same record. Normally the "Rule of One" is fully in force. The Rule of One states that only the last ESP to modify a record applies. However with a Bashed Patch, and proper Bash Tags, multiple ESPs can modify the same record, allowing mods that are technically incompatible to work together (more-or-less) seamlessly.

Here is what you need to do. Run BOSS. Look at the output in the log, and FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. Take care of anything it mentions in terms of conflicts, incompatible ESPs and the like. Don't argue with it, just do it.

Then, go into Wrye Bash and right click, make sure "Auto Ghosting" is selected.

Activate or deactivate your ESPs as necessary. EVERYTHING you want active should be checked.

Right click on your Bashed Patch, and select "Rebuild Patch" (you can do either the normal or CBash, I'd suggest CBash personally...). You should get a window popping up, saying that some mods will need to be merged/imported and deactivated. Hit "OK".

On the next screen, ignore all the options for now, and just hit "Rebuild Patch".

Wait till it finishes.

Load Oblivion.

Once you get this working, you can worry about customizing your Bashed Patch.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:03 am

Here is what you need to do. Run BOSS. Look at the output in the log, and FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. Take care of anything it mentions in terms of conflicts, incompatible ESPs and the like. Don't argue with it, just do it.
This is the part of the sequence that I'm stuck on.

It gives directions but no means to do them.

It talks about upgrades but gives no pointers (I've searched and not found them).
It says add these tweaks, but no apparent way to do that, it says don't use this mod with that mod, and I am not
using 'that mod', it says only use 1 but the readme says 1 mod is split into to parts for main and SI.)....

Those are the cases that I've been stuck -- not argued with it -- just stuck.

I asked elsewhere about some mods that are required for the Tamriel Map Project
haven't looked this morning, but key files for those mods to work are missing. Just like upgrades listed
by BOSS are not on normal download sites... it's like it has 'inside' information, that isn't available to
the public yet, and we can't make use of.

How do I get past that step?
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anna ley
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:04 pm

It talks about upgrades but gives no pointers (I've searched and not found them).
It says add these tweaks, but no apparent way to do that, it says don't use this mod with that mod, and I am not
using 'that mod', it says only use 1 but the readme says 1 mod is split into to parts for main and SI.)....

We already discussed this with you earlier in the thread, and you declined to take our advice, presuming that you knew more than we did about it.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:50 am

Again, I think you have too high an expectation of what BOSS is about and what it can do for you. It can determine which mods you have installed and (providing the author included the accurate information) it's version number. It can sort those mods into a 'generally successful' order. It can provide Bash Tag information, which Wrye Bash can read and apply. It can provide 'suggestions' that various people have contributed as to 'gotchas' or incompatibilities associated with a given mod, but it does not attempt to reprocess your entire load order for each mod, recursively. That would take too much time for the general purpose.

BOSS' suggestions are very general. It may mention a conflict with another mod, not necessarily because you have it but simply because it has been reported. The notes are associated with the mod in question; not based upon the presence of the referred to mod in your LO. Certainly you can ignore any such notes concerning mods you do not have installed. You are the one with the dynamic filter ability, not BOSS.

That the version you are using is labelled as 'obsolete, upgrade to version x' is not a guarantee that the updated version is still available. Also, not all mods listed are available on any particular site. And BOSS is not intended to provide links, and I would not expect to ever do so. Links go 'bad' much too frequently to be worth the maintenance effort required of the (overstretched) BOSS team. In addition, BOSS lists the ESP/ESM filenames, which are not necessarily the names the mods are listed under on web sites. Which is where combining BOSS with WB gives you a big advantage, because WB lists (on the Mods tab) the package name the file came from, and that is what you need to search on for an upgrade. (And do you know that on the 'BAIN/Installers' tab you can right-click on a mod file and select 'Open at' from the context menu to have it attempt to open the mods download page in your browser for you? It's not 100% successful, but still pretty handy.) But authors also sometimes rename their mod packages and (sadly) sometimes simply drop support. So when BOSS suggests you need an upgrade and one can't be found, you need to look for alternatives. An 'obsolete' recommendation should be interpreted as 'there is better out there'. An 'upgrade' recommendation should be read as 'this version probably has some serious issues'.

Your responses so far seem to be expressing a serious distrust of BOSS recommendations. Your respondents have been trying to get you to trust those recommendations, because the experience of the community says 'they work, mostly'. If they don't, we would like to know (in the BOSS thread, and in the thread related to the mod in question) so they can be corrected.

As an example: BOSS says 'use only one ESP for Storms and Sound'. Your reply was 'no, you need two, one for vanilla and one for SI'. Consequently I downloaded v3.0 and it's readme installation instructions say:

"4. IF YOU USE OBSE, JUST CHOOSE "OBSE-Storms & Sound.esp" OR "OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp" for the Shivering ISles compatible version. YOU HAVE TO USE JUST ONE ESP, EITHER THE SI ONE OR THE NON-SI ONE. Activate it, skip points 5 and 6 and jump to point 7."

The OBSE part is not the issue. 'EITHER THE SI ONE OR THE NON-SI ONE' is the issue. There is a separate, empty file in the archive named 'USE JUST ONE ESP!' Perhaps you are using an older version, but it appears to me the author has made extra efforts to respond to a common misconception and is emphasizing the point as strongly as possible: ONLY ONE ESP is required. Given that empty file in the archive, AND the BOSS note, I interpret that to mean 'out of all 12 ESP files here, you only need one'. NOT 'one of each pair'. Also, see about S&S patches, which points out that the omod script renames the one ESP used to 'Storms & Sound.esp'. The preponderance of evidence suggests to me you should rethink your position, and at least test out the suggestion.

As I said, that is just an example. You need to start by accepting the possibility your own interpretation is not correct, and that some changes may be required. Try the suggestions out one at a time. As long as they don't make things worse, go with them. It may be a tedious process, but you can't play a modded Oblivion without the patience to work through the issues.

I know it can be extremely frustrating to have a configuration of mods you are familiar with and suddenly find people are advising you to replace some of them wholesale. But you came asking for help with a major problem that was preventing your game for going forward in an enjoyable manner. From a distance and with only limited information to work with, these are the best solutions we can offer. It's never of any use to wish things weren't that way. You have to deal with what is, and especially with software, it will 'out-stubborn you' every time. Unless you are the developer or are willing to 'hack it', you have to work with it instead of fighting it.

I'm afraid I don't have anything else to really offer at this point.

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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:27 am

Again, I think you have too high an expectation of what BOSS is about and what it can do for you.

I don't. I see tons of mods that give direct links to requirements. some 4-5 years old, easily, that 80% of the time,
still work! I know links go bad, but if it gave you a starting point, it would be better than nothing. It depends on how
often the information is updated as well. The master list has the potential to be updated daily. If a version moves, that
information can be fed back to the BOSS maintainers and updated.

It can determine which mods you have installed and (providing the author included the accurate information) it's version number. It can sort those mods into a 'generally successful' order. It can provide Bash Tag information, which Wrye Bash can read and apply. It can provide 'suggestions' that various people have contributed as to 'gotchas' or incompatibilities associated with a given mod, but it does not attempt to reprocess your entire load order for each mod, recursively. That would take too much time for the general purpose.
??? I got that it wasn't checking -- that wasn't a complain as much as a characterization of the type of messages it puts out -- "general purpose" -- not always applicable to your situation. The problem there -- like the Storms&Sounds -- you don't always know if it
making another general comment or one specific to your setup -- it sounds like you are saying I should only have the the SI version installed, since I have SI installed as well as the main game -- I'm game. It's not a big deal to toggle off and see if it makes any

BTW -- the time it takes to process 'my entire load order' - recursively -- it has to do that in order to sort it. Look at any of the sort
algorithms, Best case is order N log(N), which is a type of slow growing, half-squared recursive relationship. It already has had to read all and compare all to each, to do the sort in the first place -- it wouldn't have to sort again.

So when BOSS suggests you need an upgrade and one can't be found, you need to look for alternatives. An 'obsolete' recommendation should be interpreted as 'there is better out there'. An 'upgrade' recommendation should be read as 'this version probably has some serious issues'.
No... not 'serious' -- just had some issue the author didn't feel merited a version# increase v4.0 vs v4.0+, could be a spelling change --
but it doesn't sound like a major fix (usually).

Your responses so far seem to be expressing a serious distrust of BOSS recommendations. Your respondents have been trying to get you to trust those recommendations, because the experience of the community says 'they work, mostly'. If they don't, we would like to know (in the BOSS thread, and in the thread related to the mod in question) so they can be corrected.
No... you misunderstand. It's not distrust, it's an inability to know how to deal with many of its responses.

As an example: BOSS says 'use only one ESP for Storms and Sound'. Your reply was 'no, you need two, one for vanilla and one for SI'. Consequently I downloaded v3.0 and it's readme installation instructions say:

The OBSE part is not the issue. 'EITHER THE SI ONE OR THE NON-SI ONE' is the issue. There is a separate, empty file in the archive named 'USE JUST ONE ESP!'

That's the 1 example I misinterpreted. It' and as near as I can tell -- the only one.

Instead, I have operated in the opposite direction -- blindly following it -- because I don't know any better -- but being unable to
when I can't find the mod or don't understand what it is saying.

As long as they don't make things worse, go with them. It may be a tedious process, but you can't play a modded Oblivion without the patience to work through the issues.

1500 logged crashes in windows, and you don't think I'm being "patient" -- I try something different almost every crash.

I was able to play through an entire side mod quest w/no crashes or dumps... (but it relied on no content other than the main
game) .

I know it can be extremely frustrating to have a configuration of mods you are familiar with and suddenly find people are advising you to replace some of them wholesale.

No, that's not it -- it's frustrating to not have them understand how many times I've whole sale replaced things so far and
have no qualms about doing again --- but now up to a point. I know there are a few core mods my current char relies (costuming equipment race).. and a few special adaptations I want to keep for now... I've even given though to extracting the key pieces of
equipment in the mods I've retained stuff from, but don't need the rest of the mod for anymore -- it's frustrating that you don't
understand that I easily make modifications that I understand -- but that my difficulty likes in when the instructions point to knowledge I don't have (use this new version I can find, or use this 'technique' I've know clue how to do, etc)...

But you came asking for help with a major problem that was preventing your game for going forward in an enjoyable manner. From a distance and with only limited information to work with, these are the best solutions we can offer. It's never of any use to wish things weren't that way. You have to deal with what is, and especially with software, it will 'out-stubborn you' every time. Unless you are the developer or are willing to 'hack it', you have to work with it instead of fighting it.

Already hacked a few away in Tes4Edit and the Construction Set. So that part is no biggie. It's the other stuff that I don't know
that gets me stumped -- like the clarification on the Storms&Sounds mods... I screwed that up... and you helped on that!...

I appreciate that! Believe me. I know I don't know what I am doing, so when some points out something specific I can change and I know how to change it -- GREAT!...

I'm afraid I don't have anything else to really offer at this point.

Well, I just need a better explanation of how to roll things like horses turning, and unlimited rings+amulets, into a "Tweak" -- which
sounds like something different than a Wrye Bash patch -- that and need to get some experience in making Wrye bash patches.

Also help in locating hard to find mods is very appreciated -- as are clarifications like the one I mentioned above.

So don't think you aren't being helpful... I focus on what isn't working rather than on what is working -- and maybe sometimes sound more negative than intended.... But being a software engineer -- that's my natural focus -- on what's broken and on what I don't know .

With priorities dictated by addressing the things I know about first.

Make sense? And thanks again for the clarification on the S&S mod.

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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:13 pm

I'm glad you took the time to explain some of your reactions. I can certainly identify with your 'focus on the problems' approach, as my first reaction to most proposals is (unspoken: sounds interesting; immediately followed by spoken as my mouth catches up to my thinking:) "What about this or that which I can see as potential problems?" Which naturally makes people think I am being negative instead of realizing I am trying to figure out how to make it succeed. The perception problem is simply compounded when you can't read body language.

Well then, let's focus on some specifics then. Since this has been going on for awhile, and you have been trying various things, why don't you list some specific issues that are still giving you problems with finding a solution?

For instance, your last mentions 'horses turning' and 'unlimited rings & amulets'. I don't know about the horse thing (haven't used one yet and don't recall it in WB though I think someone said it was there), but the Bashed Patch 'Tweak Clothes' section has both an 'unlimited rings' and an 'unlimited amulets' checkbox. So nothing to engineer there. (That you can hack things is both a blessing and a potential problem, as hacking always carries the risk of making things worse. But you are aware of the risks, so we'll just ignore that.) You might also want to mention which version of WB you are using. It does make a difference in what features are available to you. Not just the version number but also whether it is the Python or Standalone install and whether you are building PBash or CBash.

Bashed Patch has 5 'Tweak' sections: Actors (only enabled if directed to by a mod's readme), Assorted, Clothes, Names, and Settings. It can be a bit tedious to go through all the possibilities, but it will remember your settings thereafter and can pay significant dividends for the time invested. The defaults will all work fine, but the tweaks are there specifically for adapting to your preferences. And BP will bold the section names when a new setting or feature has been added.

Hotkeys: I would suggest you take a good look at by TheNiceOne. While it doesn't have the 'delete spells' feature of your current one, it is still supported and very stable. I know I have seen the 'delete spells' capability in other mods, but can't recall now. Might be something to ask in the '' thread.

So, that's a couple down. What else?

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Quick draw II
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:01 am

Well, do you want symptoms -- the most frequent symptom is upon entering some interior dungeon or cave or internal oblivion space (like a tower or cave).

Upon doing so -- everything will turn 1 color -- the dominant shade of the room -- usually it goes straight to 'blah', but a few times, i've seen the 'scene'
for an instance, then it was swallowed up from the outside in under a second. Current workaround: save game, reload. Starting in such a p lace
always gives a clean image (that not true with all these types of bugs, of image monocolor, but it is true of the one I currently have).

That one happens frequently -- especially if I am in oblivion -- maybe has to do with a relative light difference.

The 2nd most annoying bug -- if I travel too fast, I can get rapid loads from region to region -- and if I do it too much too fast -- I''m far more likely to get
a hang that requires killing oblivion (no save on that one). That happens less often as I know to usually save before fast travels -- sometimes I don't...
about 10% of the time I wish I had.... so it doesn't happen that often, but annoying when it does.

Things that used to not work but now do:
Initial load of game! ;-) loading from another save point while in the game (but not after a 'monocolor screen' -- that carries over in the run time -- so loading a new save both doesn't reload the problem, but neither corrects the problem once it has occured). Usually exit from game works without crash, but have a mod loaded to assist wtih that as well -- I think it is responsible for that. Slow -motion effect in playing game -- where I would
get 22-30 FPS (Fraps), but everything happened in slow motion.... I think that coincided with when I removed open cities.

I was actually able to load the lovers modules (a bunch of amusing advltish games that get boring really fast) -- and load them w/o crash again...
but the performance with the rest of my current set was so abysmal, it wasn't even amusing...well maybe a little). So pulled those.

I can generally install and uninstall modules and not have my saves suffer -- the grow and shrink depending on what is loaded. I just make sure I have nothing on me that was from the game (at least no non-generic items). To be ultra safe I know enough to leave the files in place but not in the
load order, then save , then uninst the files...but *generally*, I can just uninstall things that I'm no longer using or not dependent on (like have items from and such). I'm toying with the idea of consolidating the several mods my char is based on -- meaning different outfits , weapons she wants to keep from various other mods into a standalone mod so I can unload some of the source mods they came from ... like say a store mod -- if I got an outfit, or weapon, or armor I liked, and want to keep around, but don't need the entire store as not to have it using any script time or get in the way of other mods, seems like unloading the 99% of the the rest of the mod would be good if I isolate the parts I need -- would give me my first intro into crafting a mod of any sort... (as besides the main benefit of cleaning out cruft from my load order).

As for the the options you mention... in the bash patch... I've never created one -- on purpose.... I put (a dummy mod in my folder), and I don't
know what i did, but some time later it had created a patch of several mods -- and partials of several... I wasn't sure what to make of it, as I still
had to keep the ones it did partials from in the load order...

So because I don't know what I did to make it do that, I am a bit wary of going that way -- as in the process of getting rid of it, it lost all my
load order and installed mod information which I had to hand reconstruct.

Nevertheless, is there a way to make the mod and just put those tweaks in it and not have it absorbing other modules command functions?
I'd like to keep it's feeding in check until I know what safe to let it feed on... ;-) (what modules to consume) -- but also I would like to be
sure of two things -- well 1) want to be sure it doesn't try to combine partials that would still require me loading the original module -- pointless.

Two -- I'd like to be able to tell it what to include -- it seemed to want to include any green-texted install package that wasn't actually in my load order
and I saw no way of narrowing tht -- like to pick only "these" mods and merge them into bash patch "A"...That way, say there's a bunch of
looks mods (like beautiful people), -- I could group the groupable ones from it together -- that way it's still related to one functional area, so when I want to switch out from BP and move to Amnes, for example, I could do so without having to rebuild a patch of unrelated stuff.

Make sense?

Is that doable?... Vesions
WB 295.5(standalone), CBash v0.5.3 Default(SI).

At one point in time the delete spell was more important to me, but given how often I am loading and unloading mods, if want to see what the new mods have available in the way of spells, "psb" is your friend-- and that undoes any that may not be that big of an issue.

So your words tend to lag your thoughts... Yeah, like what I am saying / writing is stuff I though up / about a few -several seconds earlier (longer for writing)... Mouth has a bad habit of speaking before brain is fully engaged as well... very sad! ;-)

Maybe you can tell, i'm picking things up along the way reasonably quickly -- when I started trying to play again, I was using manual install-into-directory methods (which worked fine last playthrough over 3 years ago)...slothed through obmm, and then found WB with it's superior diagnostics and ordering aids... then was reconvert everything to WBRD (WrybeBashReaDy)..most things it's just a matter of moving the dirs around in the archives, though
one I have tried to write a script --- with option... got over my head and just stuck with options.

Meanwhile I hve to take breaks cuz my wrists get sore or tired out (RSI probs)... so not that many hours / day... I'll go program or something else not so mouse/trackball intensive on my right hand...

Need to program up an alternate keybad for my left hand so I can mouse w/left hand (it's damaged less).. but just taking things slow...

Any seconds in particular in the WB HTML doc that would be useful for doing what I want to do? I've read through various parts of that doc, but
lots of it didn't make sense.. (though more so now than before)...

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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:00 am

So many symptoms ... let's try to pare them down a bit.

Re: Entering an interior and having everything turn to 1 color. You said 'dominant color', but not just one specific color. Initially this sounded like the vanilla 'night-eye' effect which gives everything a blue wash. But the impression I get is that it isn't that simple. So then it must be a shader effect. Couple of questions come to mind: 1) what race are you playing? Or more correctly, does it have a native vision effect light night-eye or moon-eye? 2) are you using any mod that tweaks the vision, like Sneak Detection Recalibrated (SDR)? 3) Are you using any mods with shaders, like OBGE or Liquid Water? 4) Are you using mods that enable you to toggle on/off Night-eye or Life Detect or anything similar? Some Birthsign mods add similar abilities as well. Aha. You are (or were) using 'GetWet'. Doesn't that have a shader? Don't see why that would kick in entering interiors, but worth a test.

I got to wondering about your video card, and looking back I see you said you had a 'hot running' GTX590. You also mentioned some issues with it's handling of your dual monitor setup. Have you updated your video drivers to the latest release? Ditto for your mouse and sound drivers? Strangely enough all three of those drivers can have wierd interactions with each other. And if your video card is being strained at some point, it might manifest as 'monocolor'. You might check for overheating when that next happens.

Re: Travelling too fast. We need to separate 'Fast Travel' (using the map markers) from simply moving too fast by running/riding cross-country. They have different causes. Moving too fast from cell to cell is known to cause problems like that. I don't recall the options to reduce that off the top of my head, except that if you try to set your Oblivion.ini to load too many cells at once it can have similar consequences, or mods that add many actors in your vicinity. I'll have to look into it, or hopefully someone else will chime in. You might try some tests with FPS monitoring on to see if that is dropping when you have the problem. (I'd guess it is.)

I notice you have a number of sound mods installed. Are you using an 'on-board' sound chip or an addon card with it's own DSP? 'On-board' sound chips take away from CPU cycles. I know you have a multi-core chip, but unless you can control which CPU controls which threads, it can still affect video processing under load. Weather changes with each cell, so you might have some of that stuttering and slowness from overburdened sound processing of weather effects or other 'town sounds' or music.

(Just throwing out possibilities here, nothing concrete.)

Re: Bashed Patch. Your experience with the unexpectedly created patch is very strange. It's very difficult to accidentally create a bashed patch. You have to right click on the 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp' file in the WB 'Mods' tab, and select 'Rebuild Patch' from the context menu. Are you sure that file was named 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp'?

Yes, you can build a patch file with just the tweaks in it. When you click on 'Rebuild Patch (CBash)', first it performs it's check for 'mergeable mods' and then presents a list of those it can 'merge' into the patch and 'deactivate'. Each of those mods has a checkbox. Simply uncheck any you do not want it to merge. However, I urge you to give it a try. Deactivated mods do not count against your number of active mods limit, so every mod you can deactivate means one mod you can add to your LO.

The next window that opens up is 'Update Bashed Patch' and is divided into two. On the left side are the section names, and on the right side are the various options for the currently selected section, which is typically 'Merge Patches'. By default the recommended sections to use in the left window are already enabled (checkboxed). In right window are the individual mods WB recommends to merge. Again you can uncheck specific mods, de/select all, or simply uncheck the section name on the left to disable that entire section. (If the section name is not checked, it doesn't matter if any on the right side are checked.) So you can disable every section except the tweak sections you want, and then in each section disable all but the tweaks you want.

You seem to want to use Wrye Bash to create a series of 'specialized' merged mods. You might be able to 'fake it' by building BPs with only particular selections and renaming them, but that is both not needed and contrary to it's intended function which is creating a patch file. It might work, but I wouldn't expect it to. BP is about merging records from different mods so they work together and can all 'win'. Psymon explained some of the deeper reasons behind this in post #89 of the '' thread if you are interested. However, that is 'deeper into the weeds' than I have gotten, so I might be wrong.

For what I interpret you are speaking about doing (merging mods), the tool you need is TES4GECKO. The forum 'Gecko' thread is at []. You should also read the Basic Operations guide on and the thread ''. Just be aware that merging mods with GECKO only lets one record for any merged mods 'win', winner takes all. BP allows non-conflicting elements of the same record from different mods to all win.

As for the things that used to not work, but now do: I'll pass. As you say you are a 'casual gamer', I doubt it's worth either of our time to try to recreate them just to try to figure out why they went wonky. I might be curious, but doubt I could figure them out. I haven't been at this long enough to have many answers. I wouldn't be piping up now except so many of the really experienced players have moved on to Skyrim.

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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:57 am

The stupid forum editor can't count.
It claims my quote tags are unbalanced, but running it through a text
processor -- there are 13 of each.

So this will be formatted in plain text with the paired quotes
numbered so anyone an see how buggy the software is...

[*1quote name='Dubiousness' timestamp='1334821842' post='20650938']
So many symptoms ... let's try to pare them down a bit.

Aha. You are (or were) using 'GetWet'. Doesn't that have a shader? Don't see why that would kick in entering interiors, but worth a test.

I can't stand night eye... no color!... I use it rarely, so no -- no special vision abilities. Get wet has a shader when it rains -- makes you look wet... but I've removed it anyway -- it gave a slight perf-increase, but hasn't affected the turn-to mono.
Like in oblivion, it might be brown, or black if it is a dark room, I've seen it dark-blue-green or beige in a cave. Doesn't
seem to happen inside regular buildings...maybe there's some threshold of low-light below which it goes mono.
Interestingly enough -- I'm sure it's SOME shader effect. -- when I go to save -- if I save from menu, and it colors background sepia... I sometimes (10-20%) see detail of what was there.


I got to wondering about your video card, and looking back I see you said you had a 'hot running' GTX590. You also mentioned some issues with it's handling of your dual monitor setup.

Got a new one -- it seems to run hot too, but seems to be a bit more stable until ... well I don't know what the heck happened,
but had some hardward flakeyness. Like both monitors wouldn't go on at same time, and no sound out normal sound system (which is really the main reason for the 2nd dislay -- the 2nd display being behind my 'home theatre', so when I have
HDMI hooked up to home-theatre with 2nd display allocated to it (whether the LCD is on or not), the sound goes through
the surround sound -- and I get full 7.1 surround-sound -- much better than headphones w/noises coming out speakers directionally. But the HW thinks a 2nd display is on (even when the LCD is off)... if the home theater system is on.

Have you updated your video drivers to the latest release? Ditto for your mouse and sound drivers? Strangely enough all three of those drivers can have wierd interactions with each other.
And if your video card is being strained at some point, it might manifest as 'monocolor'. You might check for overheating when that next happens.

Drivers are recent within the past few weeks -- dunno if they have released another since then.


Re: Travelling too fast. We need to separate 'Fast Travel' (using the map markers) from simply moving too fast by running/riding cross-country.

Right -- meant traveling too fast... It' seems like it's some background loading thing that's going awry -- since my
frame rates, *usually* hover in the upper 20's/lower 30's outdoors -- maybe dips into teens or peaks around 60-70....

The game can get 'sluggish' -- even when frames are up in mid-upper 20's...

They have different causes. Moving too fast from cell to cell is known to cause problems like that. I don't recall the options to reduce that off the top of my head, except that if you try to set your Oblivion.ini to load too many cells at once it can have similar consequences, or mods that add many actors in your vicinity.

Yep -- that last one -- can definitely trigger a quick exit to desktop, sometimes, (been running CW-sixier oblivion), when it
gets too slow (usually in IC) , I'll disable various guards....helps. Either that or find some recently added extension that is causing the trouble..

I'll have to look into it, or hopefully someone else will chime in. You might try some tests with FPS monitoring on to see if that is dropping when you have the problem. (I'd guess it is.)

not so much, but depends on what you mean by drop (i.e. some people want 60 all the time, -- I'm find with upper 20's if the
game isn't sluggish)...

I notice you have a number of sound mods installed. Are you using an 'on-board' sound chip or an addon card with it's own DSP? 'On-board' sound chips take away from CPU cycles. I know you have a multi-core chip, but unless you can control which CPU controls which threads, it can still affect video processing under load. Weather changes with each cell, so you might have some of that stuttering and slowness from overburdened sound processing of weather effects or other 'town sounds' or music.

I have a separate sound card, BUT, with the Nividia card -- it has HDMI digital audio -- and overrides the sound card -- I can't even get the sound card to be recognized with the Nvida card in there. But as it supports 8 channels, 16+24 bit, 44, 48, 96, 192, it's better sound than the sound card provided (only 5.1).

(Just throwing out possibilities here, nothing concrete.)

Yeah... that's sorta where I'm at -- I just tend to occasionally 'perturb' my setup (try something different).

On thing that is also constant -- if I try to install any of the OBGE stuff... then my screen goes all black or white almost instantly upon entering the game anywhere anytime.... So that definitely makes it worse -- more evidence that it's some shader setting
tweaked weird.

Re: Bashed Patch. Your experience with the unexpectedly created patch is very strange. It's very difficult to accidentally create a bashed patch. You have to right click on the 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp' file in the WB 'Mods' tab, and select 'Rebuild Patch' from the context menu. Are you sure that file was named 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp'?

Yep -- wasn't until I added it to the dir, that things got weird...

Yes, you can build a patch file with just the tweaks in it. When you click on 'Rebuild Patch (CBash)', first it performs it's check for 'mergeable mods' and then presents a list of those it can 'merge' into the patch and 'deactivate'. Each of those mods has a checkbox. Simply uncheck any you do not want it to merge. However, I urge you to give it a try. Deactivated mods do not count against your number of active mods limit, so every mod you can deactivate means one mod you can add to your LO.

The next window that opens up is 'Update Bashed Patch' and is divided into two. On the left side are the section names, and on the right side are the various options for the currently selected section, which is typically 'Merge Patches'. By default the recommended sections to use in the left window are already enabled (checkboxed). In right window are the individual mods WB recommends to merge. Again you can uncheck specific mods, de/select all, or simply uncheck the section name on the left to disable that entire section. (If the section name is not checked, it doesn't matter if any on the right side are checked.) So you can disable every section except the tweak sections you want, and then in each section disable all but the tweaks you want.

You seem to want to use Wrye Bash to create a series of 'specialized' merged mods. You might be able to 'fake it' by building BPs with only particular selections and renaming them, but that is both not needed and contrary to it's intended function which is creating a patch file. It might work, but I wouldn't expect it to.

Was told I should do exactly that if I wanted to do what I wanted... just didn't figure out how to unselect, but I know how to use the interface more, so it might work out.

BP is about merging records from different mods so they work together and can all 'win'. Psymon explained some of the deeper reasons behind this in post #89 of the 'Oblivion Intensity' thread if you are interested. However, that is 'deeper into the weeds' than I have gotten, so I might be wrong.


Wiii check it out...

For what I interpret you are speaking about doing (merging mods), the tool you need is TES4GECKO.

The forum 'Gecko' thread is at []. You should also read the Basic Operations guide on TES Alliance and the thread 'A Guide to Merging with TESIVGecko'. Just be aware that merging mods with GECKO only lets one record for any merged mods 'win', winner takes all. BP allows non-conflicting elements of the same record from different mods to all win.

Not wanting to merge entire mods... I've been using TES4EDIT, -- just extract specific items from mods and combines those
into 1 mod and then can unload the rest of the mod... If' I loaded a special mod and just like some outfit, weapon or such from it, I can just extract that 1 item, and add it to another mode I think...haven't tried it yet though...

They wouldn't be conflicting... as they are separate items..

As for the things that used to not work, but now do: I'll pass.

Oh no -- you misunderstand -- it's just that I've come quite a ways -- things used to not work at all for the longest time...- but it has taken over a month. Had more problems than I could count!....(well windows kept count of the crashes -- well over 1000 3 weeks ago!) Yet a machine I configured for a friend (same OS), ... he's been playing on it with way fewer probs -- but me, I've
played through all the quests & side quests (everything in the guide book anyway) at least 2-3 times forward and sideways!) So I'm trying to try 'new' things... sides, I have the "fancy" graphics card, so of course, I am pushing it... and paying for it!.... ;-)

Live and learn...

P.s. now tell me how there are not the same number of open as closing quotes!

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:09 am

Re: Travelling too fast. Take a look at the thread ''. There are many excellent suggestions that may have an impact.

Re: The game being sluggish while frame rates are acceptable. Sounds like you are disk I/O bound. What size is your page file (presuming you are using Windows)? Here is a MS article on the subject: ''.

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Toby Green
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