I would like to kick off my first post with this topic, 'The Gates of Purgatory'.
The Gates of Purgatory is an Oblivion Mod I've just began working on.
The Story
Once the player has achieved the rank of Arch Mage or the Mages Guild, a courier will approach you with a note (no matter where you are in Cyrodiil), stating that Raminus Polus needs to speak with you regarding a matter with the Mages Guild.
When the player approaches Raminus Polus in the Arch Mages lobby in the Arcane University, he explains that as Arch Mage, you are required to have a second in charge, which takes care of all the unimportant mages guild duties. This second-in-charge will take your place while you are away from the Mages Guild.
Raminus rambles on a bit about the duties of the Arch Mage and then proceeds to tell you that he has selected the best candidate for the position. Raminus explains that this candidate was once previous Arch Mage Taverns friend, though Tavern exiled him from the guild for Necromancy.
Tavern exiled this character far of the Gold Coast, on a remote island known for exiled mages who have take up necromancy. Raminus has ordered that for the survival of the Arch Mage, a group of battle mages will accompany you along this quest.
Once you have finished with Raminus, you are then directed to anvil, where you proceed to hire a ship to sail to this island. Once you have arrived, you notice that to find this character, you are going to have to battle your way through creatures and mages.
Once the ship has docked, the captain explains that he will return in 3 days. Once the ship leaves, you then proceed to battle your way to the entrance to the fort ruins. When you enter the ruins, you stumble across a pile of dead mages who seem to have been killed by unknown causes.
Through constant searching in the ruins, you come to this hall where weird glyphs are written in blood over the walls. Through a diary lying on the ground next to a dead mage, you learn that the character has been pulled into Purgatory. The why is unknown, but the diary explains about their research in the depths of the remote fort ruins.
The diary contains information on how to open the Gates of Purgatory.
Whats to come
I really want to take my time on this mod and perfect it right up to the T. So I am not announcing an estimated ETA for The Gates of Purgatory, I can say however that I will be updating this thread with Screen Shots, Images and more information every week or so. When I feel adecuate with its progress, I will announce and open a alpha testing of the mod.
I really look forward to developing this mod and hope that I can peak all of your intrests with The Gates of Purgatory.