But as I've said before, the Courier basically becomes a goddess. Using what a Goddess can do as an evaluation of what "normals" can do doesn't quite work.
Actually, thats quite accurate. You can't expect
everybody to be an efficient killer, so there are gonna be "normal" people who can't kill deathclaws and "not normal" people who bask in the glory of deathclaw omelets.
I'm not saying the Courier can't end wars and deathclaws, what I am saying is that using what the Courier can do as a basis for what NCR rangers can do doesn't match up.
You aren't paying too much attention to what the NCR actually is, it's not a full scale government; the NCR doesn't have the resources to equip and train a bunch of soldiers just to clear out a quarry. You've gotta think about how much it would cost to do that, the AMR alone in 12,000 caps. It would just be alot more economic to pay the courier a meere 500 NCR dollars to clear them out.
It is my opinion that it would take some fairly significant forces for the NCR to drive the deathclaws from Quarry Junction on their own. They could probably do it, seeing as they've had to deal with deathclaws before, but I don't think it'd be "so simple" even for a squad of NCR Ranger Vets.
You've also got to know why it's easy for us and not them, my first few battles with the deathclaws; they sent me packing shredded in two. Then I figured out how to deal with them, and found the proper weapons for the job. Now that I've battled them alot I know how to deal with them, what weapons to use and what to expect; dealing with deathclaws
for the most part isn't a big task for me if I'm carrying the right weapons and there is plenty of distance between me and the deathclaw.