Steam German Ultimate Uncut

Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:40 am


I was playing Fallout 3 and now I want buy Fallout NV but I have a little problem with it:

I have to register Fallout NV on Steam, right? Thats ok for me because I have many games on Steam.

At the moment Steam has special offer for Fallout NV. It would cost ~17 Euro including all the DLC packages. But there is an info, that the german version of Fallout NV at Steam is 'violence impaired'.

At my favorite games magazine ( is the latest news about Fallout NV: Ultimate edition announced for Feb 2012 - first time uncut in germany (Bethesda press information). This version is pre-offered by Amazon for ~35 Euros.

You can see my problem maybe?

Should I buy the (GERMAN) cutted version on Steam now and live with that forever? Or will this version get an update in Feb 2012 to become uncut?

Or should I wait till Feb 2012 and buy the uncut version at Amazon? But I don't like to wait that much..

Or should I buy the version on Steam now for ~17 Euros now.. and buy the uncutted ultimate edition later too? And which version would be activated then on Steam later? Can I activate both versions on Steam at the same time? And could I use my savegames later with ultimate edition?

Any ideas? Or any press informations about that?

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Jade Payton
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 1:53 pm

Are you SURE the ultimate edition will be available in english? In diesem Fall, muss ich es auch wohl kaufen. :P

übrigens, die deutsche Stimmen sind ziemlich gut, diesmal. (nicht wie bei Oblivion oder Fallout 3) überhaupt nicht schlecht. Manchmal gibt es originale Stimmen, die einfach ZU geil sind (Joshua Graham's, Ulysses, Rose of Sharon Cassidy), und ja, die haben wir leider nicht. :P Manchmal gibt es aber deutsche Stimmen, die, meine Meinung nach, sogar noch besser als die originale Stimmen sind (Veronica, Dr. Mobius, Dr. Borous, Father Elijah (<---besonders gut)).

Naja, ist Ihre Wahl. Beide sind in Ordnung, aber ich verstehe das Gefühl, wenn man das Original haben will.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:42 am

Ich wei? nicht, auf welchen Beitrag Du hier geantwortet hast, aber mit meiner Frage hat das kaum etwas zu tun.. oder?
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 3:09 pm

I would help more. If I knew how to speak German...
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Hilm Music
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:01 am

If you read this before the offer runs out add me to your Steam friends list. If there's enough time left I'll most likely be able to trade you an uncut version of FNV and it's DLCs.

You can add me using this: dargoth_nonestil

EDIT: I just bought FNV and all DLC's. Feel free to contact me if you still want them. If not I'll activate the licenses myself :)
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:17 am

Hey guys. Its over now. I bought the Steam pack because I had no more time yesterday before silvester party.

Thanks a lot and I wish you a nice new year!
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:46 pm

Mh, wie gesagt: Ich h?tte dir die Uncut-Version von FNV + alle DLCs giften k?nnen. Auf die Splattereffekte würde ich bei Fallout nicht verzichten wollen.
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