Movement Glitch?

Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:25 pm


Just wondering if anyone has ever come across a solution for the New Vegas movement glitch? Coming up with nothing in Tech Support forums, or even Google for that matter.

I've heard about the problem* before, but have only experienced it after updating to the latest patch / DLC (Lonesome Road / Gunrunners').

* Character continues to move (slide) forward or backward after movement key is let go while camera is being panned, both in first person and third.

There are several threads on this matter, but none of which provide a clear solution to the problem.

Does everyone experience this? I haven't played New Vegas in a while, about six months, and I don't recall this problem before. So I can only come to the conclusion that for whatever reason the last major update changed something.

What makes it a bit aggravating is that there's no official response on the matter, Tech Support has slowed to a crawl because there's a newer game out, and it doesn't seem like this will ever be addressed.

Thanks all in advance.
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D LOpez
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:05 am

It depends on if I understand the ''issue'' being described.

On one hand, if you mean how sometimes when you try and move by a tiny amount, but instead move by a foot or two, that's intentional; the game tries to make you take full steps when you move. This is in contrast to many first person perspective games where you have very tight control over your movement. This isn't a very common control / movement system, but it's not unique to Fallout 3 / New Vegas.

If that's not the issue, and it's as if a given movement key was stuck (like you hold W, let go of W, but you keep walking, and when you move the mouse you keep going forward in the direction you're facing as if W was still pressed) that could be a DirectInput issue, a performance issue or even a hardware issue.

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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:09 pm

Thanks for the response.

It's more the second one. In one of the threads, it was being described as if the character was sliding on ice for an additional second. Noticeable if you swerve the camera as you let go of W (or any movement key). It only ever happens when the movement key is let go when the mouse is panning the camera. Any other time, movement keys are fine. Character stops when the movement key is let go. Just not when you're moving the mouse around.

Looking up the problem online, lots of people say how it's a residual effect of the game's engine, and that it affected Oblivion and Fallout. If that's the case, just wondering if other PC users have experienced the same thing, and maybe I just never noticed it before.

Tried this on two different computers, same problem. Didn't experience this in Oblivion or the other Fallout, so in my mind it has to be a hardware / software issue.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:28 am

I just installed NV with all the DLCs and also noticed this. I thought it was just me, but the slight sliding movement after stopping is definitely noticeable. I am trying to ignore it as best as I can...
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 11:27 am

I just installed NV with all the DLCs and also noticed this. I thought it was just me, but the slight sliding movement after stopping is definitely noticeable. I am trying to ignore it as best as I can...

Wondering if it's just "part of the package," that everyone who plays on PC experiences this and it's actually the way the engine was built like Queue said in the above post, or if it's an actual glitch / compatibility problem with Windows 7.

Installed Fallout 3 to see if this happened, and it did, but not as noticeable.

In any case, doesn't look like there's an actual resolution to it.
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