Is Fallout better on PC?

Post » Wed May 09, 2012 2:55 pm

I am personally playing Fallout on PS3 atm. I should have the money by the end of next year to build my own gaming computer which will, no doubt, be overkill for fallout but hey, whatever. And honestly you shouldn't struggle without a controller because a controller makes the aiming very stiff while a mouse makes aiming feel much more smooth and free.

I recently built a rig and am planning on playing Fallout 3 and F:NV on it. However, I have not played a real (not browser based) game on the PC since the original Doom. I am so controller-indoctrinated that trying to play with a keyboard and mouse feels as foreign to me as trying to drive a nail with a monkey wrench.

That being the case, I grabbed a wireless receiver for one of my 360 controllers and am planning on using one of those.

I am looking forward to the ability to mod, better graphics and running at a higher framerate, but I am not looking as forward to gaming on my 27" monitor as opposed to my 55" HDTV with 5.1 (and my comfy living room chair).
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clelia vega
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 11:47 am

Not better on computer, just better for people who want to cheat and spawn a ton of st00f.

That is completely untrue. The mods are absolutely fantastic when they don't give you a significant advantage or are OP and the aiming is SO much better. Aiming with a mouse feels so much more free, IMO.

I recently built a rig and am planning on playing Fallout 3 and F:NV on it. However, I have not played a real (not browser based) game on the PC since the original Doom. I am so controller-indoctrinated that trying to play with a keyboard and mouse feels as foreign to me as trying to drive a nail with a monkey wrench.

That being the case, I grabbed a wireless receiver for one of my 360 controllers and am planning on using one of those.

I am looking forward to the ability to mod, better graphics and running at a higher framerate, but I am not looking as forward to gaming on my 27" monitor as opposed to my 55" HDTV with 5.1 (and my comfy living room chair).

I guess it must just be me. I have been playing on consoles forever and as soon as I started playing on PC I noticed that mouse made me WAY more accurate in-game and headshots are infinitely easier now.
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An Lor
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:38 am

I guess it must just be me. I have been playing on consoles forever and as soon as I started playing on PC I noticed that mouse made me WAY more accurate in-game and headshots are infinitely easier now.

If I give it a fair shot, maybe I'll come around.
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:57 pm

I guess it must just be me. I have been playing on consoles forever and as soon as I started playing on PC I noticed that mouse made me WAY more accurate in-game and headshots are infinitely easier now.
Well not the case for me. I've tried it a few times (not with New Vegas) and I just end up svcking... :( This then frustrates me and makes me worse.

...Thursday isn't a good day for the fallout forums, it is really slow today.
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sam westover
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 6:36 pm

I was getting more and more annoyed with playing FPSs and FPS-type games on a pad. Ended up buying most of the shooters I'd owned on 360 for PC, and enjoying them all five-times more. The only annoying thing about owning a gaming rig is having to upgrade it, so after three years back on PC, and two upgrades later, I'm reminded of why I left my old PC in the dirt and moved over to consoles for games. Luckily I own both now. But honestly, this generation of consoles is in serious need of replacements. They're getting ooooooold.

Eh, you don't really have to upgrade nowadays. 90% of games are console ports and PC's have outstripped consoles so badly on the hardware front that pretty much any semi-modern kit will play everything flawlessly.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 11:43 am

The only people who need these so-called 'mods' are people who have too much time on their hands, in all honesty. Fallout 3 and NV alone takes a long time, not to mention playing it hardcoe on NV and both immorale and morale choices. Thats atleast 2 playthroughs on F3 (70+hrs?) and 3 playthroughs on FO:NV(100+hrs?) Plus, the ONLY type of computer games i ever play are mmorpgs if im really bored? Its not as fun playing a shooter without a controler tbh, the only reason people play FO:NV on comp is for mods (no reason to really have mods, if a person really wanted they could virus ur comp) and to just spawn things in their inventories.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 12:23 pm

You declare people to have too much time on their hands, and then declare that you play MMOs? Seriously?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:53 pm

The only people who need these so-called 'mods' are people who have too much time on their hands, in all honesty. Fallout 3 and NV alone takes a long time, not to mention playing it hardcoe on NV and both immorale and morale choices. Thats atleast 2 playthroughs on F3 (70+hrs?) and 3 playthroughs on FO:NV(100+hrs?) Plus, the ONLY type of computer games i ever play are mmorpgs if im really bored? Its not as fun playing a shooter without a controler tbh, the only reason people play FO:NV on comp is for mods (no reason to really have mods, if a person really wanted they could virus ur comp) and to just spawn things in their inventories.
You clearly haven't ever used mods or you would understand how limited a view you have placed on them. Vanilla New Vegas is a brilliant game, but mods can add so much more.

There are unofficial patches that can be downloaded to help your game run smoother(NVEC), there are mods that add new missions(New Vegas Bounties 1 and 2), there are mods that add weather effects and can make nights darker and more realistic(Nevada Skies), there are mods that tweak existing game items(OWB Stealth Suit Mk II Retexture and Upgrade), there are mods for everything. Project Nevada gives you a module in the start menu that allows you to tweak how much carry weight you get per Strength point, how much AP you start off with, a percentage of how much experience points you get, you can change the amount of perks you get to one per level up to one every five levels, you can change how much damage you and enemies take and more.

Mods aren't just for people who "have too much time on their hands" Mr MMO player, they are made by gamers and for gamers to add cool things o their game if they want them.
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 10:43 pm

The only people who need these so-called 'mods' are people who have too much time on their hands, in all honesty. Fallout 3 and NV alone takes a long time, not to mention playing it hardcoe on NV and both immorale and morale choices. Thats atleast 2 playthroughs on F3 (70+hrs?) and 3 playthroughs on FO:NV(100+hrs?) Plus, the ONLY type of computer games i ever play are mmorpgs if im really bored? Its not as fun playing a shooter without a controler tbh, the only reason people play FO:NV on comp is for mods (no reason to really have mods, if a person really wanted they could virus ur comp) and to just spawn things in their inventories.

Please stop talking.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 4:57 pm

Yes Fallout is better on PC. Of course I base that on absolutely nothing :biggrin:
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:27 am

Eh, you don't really have to upgrade nowadays. 90% of games are console ports and PC's have outstripped consoles so badly on the hardware front that pretty much any semi-modern kit will play everything flawlessly.

Yeah a lot of games are console ports. But I built this rig at the end of '08. lol It's now 2012. I couldn't have played Metro 2033 in all its DX11 sixy glory if I didn't upgrade, and I wouldn't be waiting with wet pants for,852240/Metro-Last-Light-PC-aims-for-the-technology-throne-Developer-talks-about-DirectX-11-Tessellation-GPU-Physx-und-Co/News/ in its epic-ness either. lol :biggrin:

The only people who need these so-called 'mods' are people who have too much time on their hands, in all honesty.

You mean like this guy? --> [] lol :woot: I played hundreds of hours of vanilla FO3. It's good to be able to take a high level character and use mods like increased spawns, running into armies of Super Mutants for some mindless, dangerous, Blood Sample collecting crazy action game-play. For giggles. Mods are fun, and the community is so vast you can pretty much find one for everything you think of, and they also add crazy longevity to a game and its community, which is why Beth supports modding. :turned:
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:50 pm

If I give it a fair shot, maybe I'll come around.

That's the spirit!
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