What have we learned about the NCR? Where will it lead?

Post » Wed May 09, 2012 1:00 pm

The NCR are the only people powerful and educated enough to actively discover and restore this technology.
I beg to differ to an extent. Look at Mr. House, he is the man who founded and ran RobCo for 30-40 years. Since RobCo seems to have had a touch in almost everything Pre-War tech related, I'm sure Mr. House could be the equivalent of a technology encyclopedia.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 4:03 pm

If the NCR wants to become the supreme force in the wastes they need to bring down the full weight of the nation on the Legion. They also need a lot more public support back home for the war against the Legion as it seems most recruits aren't exactly eager to fight for the Republic (I can understand why.) Because lets face it once the Legion is gone the NCR is unstoppable. So yeah just my two cents that the NCR needs to kick the war against the Legion into overdrive and devote much bigger amounts of its resources to it.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 11:08 am

If the NCR wants to become the supreme force in the wastes they need to bring down the full weight of the nation on the Legion. They also need a lot more public support back home for the war against the Legion as it seems most recruits aren't exactly eager to fight for the Republic (I can understand why.) Because lets face it once the Legion is gone the NCR is unstoppable. So yeah just my two cents that the NCR needs to kick the war against the Legion into overdrive and devote much bigger amounts of its resources to it.
That's the problem, the NCR can't even fight the war in Vegas let alone full out assault Legion territory. NCR needs to lose to House to realize they CAN'T hold their own, so they go and secure their borders and what have you.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 1:45 pm

The NCR needs to loose hoover if its to survive. It can not sustain a large,long term conflict, and if it is to survive, it must pull back, and consolidate its power.Its economy cant take the current strain, let alone a bigger war. As Colonel M said above me, let House get things done, because,quite frankly, the NCR is un able to.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 10:29 pm

Let Caesar attack the dam again, and we will kick his ass again. That is their thinking. Many here think General Oliver is a moron. He is far from it. Caesar is a moron. Attacking the same stong point, not once, but twice. You don't attack the Enemy where they are. You attack them where they aren't.

We must give Eddie his due....his battle plan against the NCR in the Mojave is actually quite sound. He threatens the Dam with a large force on the other side of the Colorado. While Oliver is fixated on that, he sends in the Frumentarii to destroy the NCR base in Searchlight. With Searchlight out, he is able to occupy Cottonwood Cove, and push through troops and open a new front at Nelson, as well as raid through the South of the Mojave all the way to Novac. Meanwhile, he enlists the Khans as proxy fighters. They flood the area with chems as well as cause trouble for the NCR. I suspect the Khans were also tasked with handling the Fiends, keeping them in chems and on the rampage through the North of Vegas. He also recruits the Omertas to rise up when given the signal. He also takes the opportunity to eliminate groups that would never serve him and could make a difference if they chose to help the NCR....Mr House and the BoS. When all the pieces are in place, the NCR stands alone...beset on all sides by the Khans, Fiends and the Legion, it's supply lines in disarray, and Legion units roaming at will South of Novac and Forlorn Hope. When the time is right, Eddie simultaneously hits Camp Golf and Forlorn Hope, the Fiends attack McCarran, and the Omertas take down the Chairmen and NCR inside the Strip. The NCR forces at the Dam are cut off from supplies and reinforcements...and now have no line of retreat. Then...and only then...does Eddie deploy Lanius and his forces, who have been waiting for weeks for the signal. They attack the Dam both frontally and from below, using route that had been scouted long before. Once pushed from the Dam, Oliver's remaining men have to run the gauntlet of Khans, Legion, and Fiends back to Mojave Station....few of them will likely make it. In a matter of hours the entire NCR Mojave Expeditionary Force is annihilated. Then while the fingerpointing begins back in Shady Sands, Eddie secures the Mojave and digs in...digesting his new conquest and preparing for the campaign that will make him a Legend, the Invasion of California.
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Post » Thu May 10, 2012 12:06 am

My view exactly.

House not only views New Vegas as a core area from which he can rebuild pre-war life, but he also simply wanted to preserve the city out of devotion to it. Its his hometown, his birthplace, his home.
While I get and understand your point , I think his goals are a little selfish. He has alot of power and could make big changes in a second but he just watches the world burn .His nostalgia is for the old world wich collapsed on it's self is a silly goal imo.
When a Phoenix rises from the ashes why would your burn the phoenix for more ashes?
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 10:09 pm

Do you honestly think that the NCR wouldn't use Nuclear Weapons against the Legion if it had the capability? That it wouldn't take the more convenient route despite it's implications? This is how A Canticle for Leibowitz happens people.

But regardless, as an entity the NCR seems to be expanding beyond it's means. Doesn't the senior NCR scientist in McCarren say that the NCR is likely to face major food shortages within a decade because of this? They are expanding into Baja, the Mojave, northwards past Klamath, south past Los Angeles. Without wide-spread access to modern equipment the NCR are playing the game fast and loose. The NCR's most major theatre in the Mojave is crippled by logistics supplies - yes I know that it's supposed to be because of the Divide but that was another NCR [censored]-up anyway - and little is being done to combat them; I guess that they are doing a good job despite the set-backs but I don't think it'll last. IMO the NCR will crumble under it's own weight eventually.
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Erin S
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:58 pm

Do you honestly think that the NCR wouldn't use Nuclear Weapons against the Legion if it had the capability? That it wouldn't take the more convenient route despite it's implications? This is how A Canticle for Leibowitz happens people.
I know they would, if you nuke the Legion in Lonesome Road, you gain positive rep with NCR. >_>
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