I just downloaded the jet pack DLC for the xbox360. It's bomb.
It sounds like your having far more trouble than most.
In all honesty, this game is a cake walk.
Let me ask you a few questions.
1) Are you running head on into every enemy you see?
2) Are you using your skill points in an orderly fashion, or are you just randomly putting points into skills that don't fit your PC?
3) Have you been following the MQ? It would be very beneficial to do some side quests, as they tend to rack up XP fairly quickly.
4) Have you been trying to play NV as an FPS? Because despite the first looks of the game, it's undoubtedly an RPG.
Also, put the difficulty down to easy or very easy till you understand the basics a little better. Once you do get ahold of how the game is played, restart with a planned character build.
You'll notice the game becomes more enjoyable, aswell as easier once you know what kind if PC your going after.
I would suggest these skills to focus on-- Guns(most available weapons/ammo in the Mojave), Medicine(gives an advantage if your constanty using meds), Repair(makes managing your inventory much easier and MUCH cheaper).
Try to stick with those, putting the bulk of your skill points in those skills. But don't neglect the others, science and speech are very useful and so is lockpicking.
Just remember to SLOW IT DOWN. Your not doing any good by rushing through things, take your time and explore locations very well before moving on. There's hidden treasures all over the Mojave.