Both times going through I was a level thirty character, though the second time I actually built a character for the soul purpose of this expansion. I was wondering if anyone else had done similar things and I think it might be helpful for others (for example both times I was a melee+sneak driven character and had at least the phoenix implant for regeneration and the sub dermal). Hopefully this can also be helpful or first time players of the expansion.
For my second character the perks I picked for the expansion were:
Solar Powered
Toughness (both ranks)
Nerd Rage
Also the Sub dermal (sounds so dirty) and phoenix implant, I also did the old world blues expansion before hand on the second play through.
Basically what I did was make a character who's damage threshold with the assassin suit and bomb collar was 33. With nerd rage kicking in the threshold was a little above 50 I believe, making me next to invincible until combats over and I smoke I cigarette in celebration while my health regenerates.
Of course make sure you're comfortable with melee/unarmed weapons before starting expansion.