Dear Original Poster
I am sick to death of coming across anti-chem sentiment in this forum. Why are there so many busy-bodies and do-gooders sticking their noses into what I'm sticking into my arm?
It's only a bit of Med-X!!! Psycho is way more harmful. Even really stupid people know that. In any case it is not an addiction. You obviously have never heard of SELF MEDICATION.
What is your issue with chems anyway? Do you want to be like the Caesers Legion hunting down and crucifying people who choose to take chems? You are no better than them. No you are worse. You belong in the Followers so you can have conversations with ARACADE GANNON about how righteous and helpful you both are. You people are scum. Sneering, condescending, self righteous, EMBARRASSING scum.
I hope this will help you with the realisation that not everyone is so WEAK that they can't enjoy a little fix several times a day. Unlike you I can give up whenever I want to. So stop harrassing people on the basis of their lifestyle choices, just becasue you can't cope YOU SAD LOSER.
Okay, Powder Head.
This is a place of Zero judgement. Okay? so I'm gonna need you to take it down to a two. Right now your at a ten. Okay?
Also, this is a place for addicts, so if your not an addict, I'm gonna ask you to leave.
But if you ever want help, we have free coffee and danishes. Help yourself ....