But first, some questions:
- What's good with ''Honest Hearts''? How do I begin the quests from it? Or is it just weapons and armor?
- What's ''Gunner's Arsenal''? (I think it's that name...) I guess it's weapons, because of the name!
- All the other DLC's in the Ultimate Edition? Forgot it...
- What has been improved since Fallout 3? I really hope you can scope this time! (Not only with Sniper rifles.)
- That was all the questions...
This is really important. Ya know, I need to be 100% sure that this game is cool! Well, I already know that it is after looking at some great videos on YouTube..!
Oh! And I've heard that you can change your Pip-boy to something called ''Pimp-Boy Three Billion'' or something I think! That's awesome. It's like in gold right?
You couldn't do that in Fallout 3. I got tired of the old one, it looked like s**t!

And I also don't really know if this is the right category to post this on, BUT WHATEVA!