Damn! I nearly have enough caps to buy it after raiding the legion camp at cottonwood.

I guess I'll have to mod up my Hunting rifle.
Well you could always sell all your belongings, purchase it and try it out to see what I mean, then reload a previous save.
My point was first that without 100 guns, it probably has a pretty decent sway on it when you try to aim it, and second, the ammo can be expensive for a low level player. Check the price, check the sway.
When I play though, I usually grab the Hunting Rifle and just get a scope until I can handle better guns. Cheap, efficient, gets the job done and there's always ammo around.
Btw, what's your Luck stat? If you have a good one (6+) you can clean out the casinos, with patience. 8-10 is like free money at the casinos, 6-7 is slow, but gets the job done. Anything lower is a risk. Mick sells a pair of sleepwear you can wear while gambling to increase your luck by one.