» Wed May 09, 2012 10:32 pm
I always let them live, since it never hurts to have the deadliest fighters in the area* on your side. Then again, I'm usually one of them by that point and have an 'in' with McNamara, so it's not too likely they'll try anything. It probably doesn't hurt that I never take Veronica as a companion, since that avoids the mess created by doing her personal quest and insures the BoS doesn't try anything stupid in the interim.
I can see why some folks are saying to get rid of them, though, since if you don't buddy up to them they will be a problem down the road as they will know of, and want, your robots for themselves, and will have no compunctions whatsoever of taking them from you. Therefore, if you're not going to make nice with them in the first place, then it would be wise to remove them ASAP as a preventative measure.
*PA and Energy Weapons are lore-accurate in my game, which makes the BoS incredibly dangerous to have as opponents.