The difference is I suppose your nota die hard da or me fan so your not gonna notice everything .
And skills are crap wtf theres less granted but in fo2 there was excessive amounts like gambling. And they are very useful in fo3 I cqn't see what makes skills crap.
In Fallout 1 and Fallotu 2 crippled was healed by Doctor, you don't have doctor, you have to use a NPC, and they charge, lots.
First Aid is really useful if you don't want to waste money on stimpaks.
Gambling is really useful for getting absurd amounts of money.
Traps is really useful for disarming things, take that bomb in NCR for example, without Traps, can't disarm it, and I think in Sierra Army Depot there are tons of traps.
Medicine in Fallout 3? It's useless, you can spam stimpaks and get so many of them for such a low price that it's crap.
Barter? You get so many weapons and can repair them to top quality to easily that money ain't ever a problem.
Big Guns? The weapons svcked, in Fallout 1/2 they were deadly, in Fallotu 3 I barely ever used them because of how clunky, slow and low-damaged they were.
Energy Weapons? They just svck, they still do in New Vegas.
Speech? There weren't enough times to use it, and when you did it didn't have too much of an impact, the way it used a % system was also bad.
In the former games the skills had their usage, some were limited, sure, but without them you'd be at severe disadvantages. In Fallout 3, not so much.
So yes, some skills are crap in Fallout 3.
Also, in the former games the weapon skills, apart from Unarmed which gave new moves as well, were about how likely you were to land a hit.
With FPP you just need to figure out how to work the reticule.
A Sniper Rifle in Fallout 1/2 wouldn't be able to hit anything with 23 in Small Guns.
A Sniper Rifle in Fallout 3 and New Vegas can hit as long as you can aim with it, making the impact of the skill less meaningful.
All they do now is add damage to the weapon, oh and perks of course, but those were in both era's.