Fallout 4: Speculation, Suggestions and Ideas - Thread #64

Post » Thu May 10, 2012 9:03 am

Fallout 4: Speculation, Suggestions and Ideas

Thread #64

This topic is for ideas and suggestions for Fallout 4 so that we can keep all the discussion in one thread. At moderator discretion, threads about specific and distinct topics as they relate to FO4 and the rest of the Fallout series may be acceptable in the Fallout Series forum. General idea/suggestion topics for a future Fallout game will either be closed, or moved to this one.

This thread should be used to discuss items you'd like to see in a future game, gameplay tweaks, quest ideas, things you hope are not in the next game and so on. If you want to discuss major issues, use a separate topic - such as the discussion about adding multi-player or co-op play, which already has a thread. Please search first to see if there is an active/recent thread on a particular topic.

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tegan fiamengo
Posts: 3455
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:53 am

Post » Thu May 10, 2012 5:00 am


Have charisma determine how many companions we can get.

Have companions have interactive dialogue between each other and have some dialogue locked out until we advance in certain quests or go to certain areas or speak to certain people. (In order to have them always have "something" to say, I hated how I could deplete companion dialogue so easily in FNV)

Have at least a dozen (preferabely more) companions and have some that doesn't like each other. (Not every companion has to be a book of text but none of them should be just a line of text either, simply needs more companions for conflicting interests and morals to work.)

Have companions have their own morals, have each of them have ultimatums during certain quests, like if you want to help J instead of M your companion will tell you that he/she/it cannot believe you want to side with J and says that they'll leave if you side with them. (Companions have their own morals, they should stand by everything we do.)

Have certain companions be very strict with what they will equip. (Like Boone, he should've been more attached to his Hunting Rifle and refused to change to something else because of this sole connection he has to his past.)

Don't follow the same formula of 1 SM, 1 ghoul, 1 animal and 1 robot, switch it up a little, maybe 2 ghouls, 1 super mutants, 2 animals and no robot companions.
Just no more of that same formula, it's getting predictable and boring. It can very well still be a Fallout game without a robot or animal or super mutant companion.

Have certain companions have defects and specialized skills, like Cassidy, if you gave him Psycho or Jet he would suffer a heartattack and die.
It makes for more realism to not have everyone be in top shape.

And certain companions should have other skills to help you out, Arcade for example should have been able to hack computers for you, he should also have been able to perform First Aid and Doctor once a day if you've run out of stimpacks, hydra and doctors bags. I know there are companions perks, but those are always passive, I want active companion skills too.

Change in SPECIAL:

  • Each point in strength raises carry weight.
  • It increases Blade, Blunt and HtH damage too. Say a weapon has 5 in STR requirement, that means that it's damage presented will be the norm, now, if you have 6 in STR you get a 0.10x bonus in damage, meaning a weapon that requires 3 in STR req gets a whopping bonus of 0.70x in damage.
  • It also works the other way, so if a weapon has 5 in STR req and you have 4 then you get -0.15x in damage.
  • Strength also affects the chance at which you can be knocked down, and also decides how much recoil a weapon will have if you meet the soft requirement for the weapon or above.
  • Determines how well you can climb.

  • Perception affects your accurcy, the less you have the worse you'll shoot, the more you have the more of a bonus you'll get towards accurcy.
  • Perception also allows you to see traps better, meaning that if you don't meet the PER requirement to see the trap or don't have a sufficient Traps skill then the trap will be invisible to you until something trips it. (same with mines.)
  • At gas areas where the gas can be ignited will only show it's blurryness if you have 4> in PER.
  • PER allows you to notice of a food or drink item has been tampered with. (Survival also affects that.) ((This is mostly for certain quests.))
  • It decides at what distance enemies will show up.
  • If you have 2 or less in PER then everything from 70 meters away will be somewhat blurry. (If you have 1 or 2 in PER then glasses give x2 PER.)

  • How much your health will be through the entire game. (Base health is 50, each END give +15 HP) ((You no longer get any more HP from leveling up, the END you have will this time around actually be important.))
  • How fast action points generate
  • How much stamina you have for sprinting.
  • Poison and radiation resistance.
  • Chem addiction resistance.
  • Determines the FOD, SLP and H2O limits, base is 500 1END:100Limit
  • Disease resistance and effects

  • Charisma affects Nerve stat for companions which determines how much they will follow orders and how strong they are.
  • It also affects the number of companions you can hire.
  • NPC's in the game follow a "personal rep" meter this time around, meaning that if you for example help that rancher guy in Novac to find out what is killing his brahmins and solve the quest then you get +20 personal rep with him and +10 with everyone else in the town. The personal rep will decide the NPC's attitude towards you, how big the reward will be, how much of a discount you'll get and of course; When a NPC will give you a quest. (Boone for example would not give you his personal quest until your rep is at 50 with him, meaning you have to solve other quests in the town before his open up.) But here is where charisma comes in. CHA decides the base personal rep with NPC's, 5 is neutral, 6 means +5 and 10 means +20 in initial person rep with all NPC's in the game, while 4 means -10 and 1 means -40. Personal rep is also affected by other things like what faction you've helped or messed with, how much you buy items from stores (not sell, but buy), if you're female or male, if you have six appeal, black widow, lady killer, confirmed bachelor and cherchez le femme. (Might also count towards other perks, like Tribal Wisdom will inherently give +5 personal rep with any and all tribals in the game upon selecting it.) Personal rep is a very cranky thing, you can be loved by the entire town but because you accidentally made a joke about the bartenders late wife he'll still hate you. So NPC's will remember things, not everything is in the collective factions anymore but their personal opinions about you. (Though Faction reputation will still exist and still have a large importance.) So Charisma helps out with giving you a nice boost to this. And with a mid-high level CHA perk you only get half as much negative personal rep from people when you do them ill.

  • Intelligence affects how many skill points you receive from skill books.
  • It affects how much of a bonus you will receive from skill magazines and how long it will be.
  • It affects a lot more dialogue options.
  • It determines how many skill points you'll receive.
  • It also have effect on how whether other highly intelligent characters in the game will think of you. (Personal rep) If you have a low INT they will consider you a savage and won't bother discussing things with you.

  • jumping height
  • jumping length
  • fall damage
  • reload speed
  • Close combat attack speed (Twohanded/long weapons 1AGI:+2%, onehanded/small weapons 1AGI:+3.5%)
  • Total amount of action points
  • How fast you get up after being knocked down
  • Sprint speed

  • Determines how often/seldom you will receive critical failures: getting knocked down, getting twice as long poison length, accidentally dropping a weapon, getting blocked despite high Blunt and STR, receiving critical hits et cetera.
  • Determines your luck on the gambling table.
  • Determines how successful you'll be when you try to smuggle something in without a high Deception skill.
  • Determines how lucky/unlucky you'll be at the operating table. (quest wise when NPC's can be healed Luck will affect your performance despite your skill, so with Luck 1 you might accidentally kill Caesar even with 100 Medicine. (Luck overpowers any skill your character may have, cause no matter how skilled she/he is Luck is cosmic, it doesn't care how skilled you are, you have bad luck then bad things will happen to you.)
  • 1 Luck means you have a 0.1% chance to choke on an edible item and die.
  • Luck affects how successful your sneak attempt will be. (With a bad luck the logical conclusion is that a top ninja could still mess up despite his training.)
  • Just a veeeery little thing but: it affects how often NPC's will accidentally give you a bit more in quest reward due to them counting wrong. (High luck) Might just be 6 stimpacks when you were suppose to only get 5, or it might be 50 caps extra because the quest giver overlooked how much money he actually had at hand.

Overall it means that with a bad luck the game will curbstomp you, and with good luck it will pleasure you. (Does not mean it's insta-win by any means, just means you'll be more lucky here and there.)

This is the skill list I would like to see for Fallout 4.

01. Blade
02. Blunt
03. Hand to Hand

04. Guns
05. Chemical Weapons

06. Explosives
07. Energy Weapons

08. Persuasion
09. Deception
10. Barter

11. Gambling (Only if gambling minigames are removed)
12. Chemistry (Primarily crafting but has other uses too.)
13. Mechanics (cosmetic change from Repair (Includes some aspect of Science as well))

14. Pilot (Only if Vehicles are present.)
15. Electronics
16. Medicine

17. Survival
18. Outdoorsman (Only if a map node system is in place with world travel)
19. Hacking
20. Lockpicking

21. Steal
22. Sneak
23. Traps (Only if there is a good amount of traps and we can craft and use our own.)
24. Armorer

Now let me explain them.

1. While swords (fencing) and knifes are different combat styles I'd rather not make a long list too long, but bladed weapons and blunt weapons function differently.
Blunt weapons use brute force to crush the enemy, while bladed weapons, which are mostly knifes, aren't really a strong suit for someone to charge a deathclaw with.
So Blade is mostly the stealth skill, an assassin skill, but there "are" weapons that are of more impact that you can use like swords, machetes and fire axes but they are harder to find. Spears go in this skill too, they function completely different but again, the skill list is already long, better to just throw them in here. Thrown spears on the other hand are governed by the Throwing skill.

Bladed weapons have faster attack rate, has more frequent criticals, do more sneak critical damage and can cause bleed effects which drain the life of the enemy.

Bladed weapons are powered by Agility, along with Sneak, the higher the Agility is the better you sneak, the better you sneak the more common the sneak attacks will be.
It also affects attack speed directly, so if push comes to shove having high agility can make up for the lack of damage if you have to fight an enemy toe to toe.
Again, blades are primarily meant to be used as stealthy weapons, it "can" be used as brute force too (fireaxe for example.) but they are meant to be exploited for their criticals.

2. Blunt, the omega to it's alpha, the straight forward brute skill, heavier, louder, stronger, while Blade weapons have a greater critical chance, critical damage and a bleed effect the Blunt skill's weapons are high DAM but slower and not very suitable for sneaky kills.

Blunt weapons are slower but does more damage, they don't have a lot of criticals or especially high critical damage but they make up for it by being able to knock back enemies, knock them unconscious, break through defensive stance (well, not if you have a tire iron but a super sledge is gonna break through just about anything.) and cause much higher limb damage. Blunt weapons also cause severe damage towards equipment, each hit causes 30% of your dealt damage towards the equipment attacked. (This means that if the enemy's armor has 200 item hp, and your weapon does 20 damage, then 6damage is caused to the item hp. If you used a weapond that dealt 60 damage then 18 item hp would be gone. Remember that most armors and weapons are pretty deteriorated so hitting the enemy three times with a 60 damage weapon means 54 item hp will be gone.)
((This is meant so that the Blunt class don't became too OP, cause while it can cause knockdowns, knockbacks, cripples and break through enemy defense and has great damage, it also trashes just about anything you attack, so if you accidentally hit the enemy's Trail Carbine then it's gonna be pretty broken.)

Blunt weapons are powered purely by Strength, the more strength you have the greater the damage is and the more likely the benefits are to happen.

3. Basically Unarmed with a name change, think it freshens it up a little. It's core design is the same but it would be nice with more combat moves and to be able to kick like in the old games. (And kick down doors as well. )

4. Like in New Vegas.

5. Chemical Weapons, this weapon skill includes all fire based weapons chemical weapons, fire included, Flame Gun, Flame Rifle, Flamer, Incinerator, Incendiary Grenade et cetera.
It should be it's own skill because fire based weapons does not fit in any other skill (Except incendiary grenade).
If you build in this skill you will have it easier and have it harder, the damage of the weapons is quite large but the problem is their ammo consumption.
They're also "rare'ish". You can get the Flame Gun easily of course but the rest is a lot harder to come by.

6. Like in New Vegas?

7. Like in New Vegas.

8/9. Why the split of Speech? Because they're both different. Persuasion means you know how to persuade people it has a lot more dialogue options than deception does, but deception governs the success rate of disguising yourself, the game should of course need more infiltration missions in order for disguises to be more of use.
Anyway, just cause you're a smooth talker don't mean you have a poker face, they're both different, and should be split so.
Deception also means you know where to hide stuff on yourself and not making them "stand out" and can smuggle items.

10. Should be expanded upon, allow us to barter more deals through dialogue, some speech options in New Vegas could honestly have been used as Barter options.

11. I think that Gambling should be reinstated and that the minigames should be removed, I hate the minigames, if I want to play black jack I'll go online and find a game to play. Gambling should be based on character skill, not player skill, so yes, back with Gambling.

12. Chemistry is a crafting skill primarily, with this one you know how to craft various drugs, poisons, acids and other items.
Chemistry should also have it's quest and event sequences, maybe there's some mold on a beam supporting a house and your character figures out that he can use chemical component #42 and apply it to the mold which creates acid and therefor eats away at the beam, collapsing the house. (Dunno how this would work or if it even could work but yknow, have certain moments where a high Chemistry skill can come in handy.)

13. Mechanics is a renamed Repair, functions basically the same way, it has a bit of Science in it as well, but mostly it's a cosmetic change.
Well, that is IF we have vehicles. If we do have vehicles in FO4 then this skill will come in handy for repairing vehicles and sabotaging others.

14. Pilot, well... Vehicles, if they're in the game then the Pilot skill determines how good your character is at steering the vehicle and how far he can jump with it and other things. (I'm not very interested in cars so I don't know what a good driver can do with a car really.)

15. Electronics can be used for crafting various electronic items like shock batons, cattle prods, electronic lockpicks and mashing down certain items into scrap electronics. It can also be used to recharge drained cells. You can cut the power of places with this and turn off any lights, terminals, alarms, forcefields and turrets that were connected to it (Not every place will become blacked out, some places have back up generators for alarms and turrets.) And of course a lot of quests can be solved by using it, like sabotaging any electricity powered things.
You can also, depending on how high your skill is, turn off any robots and turrets and then with Hacking convert them to fight for you. Though converted robots don't get any +damage or +health from the conversion. They can be repaired with Mechanics and scrap metal/electronics.

16. Medicine... I'd rather have First Aid and Doctor back but there are already so many skills on here.

17/18. If we have a map node system with random encounters then this skill will function just like in the old games, I don't know if these two should be merged or not though, merging them could make Survival too useful but leaving them as separate could make Outdoorsman feel hollow.

19. Hacking, what it sounds like, you can hack any computer interface with a deep coded lock.

20. Lockpicking needs a new minigame system and an option to make it dicerolled, otherwise it's basically the same as before.

21. Steal, I think that Steal should be brought back, but if brought back then there should be a lot more moments where can steal something of value.
Not necessarily of $ value but rather quest value, say someone has a key on himself, you could either disguise yourself with Deception and say you're a new high ranking officer, you could use Electronics to turn off the lights by cutting some wires and have him lured to the wires trying to fix it and shocking himself unconseaus(???) you could smooth talk him with Persuasion or you could use the Steal skill to take it from him.
If you are sent to jail for a little while at some place you could steal the guards key when he's making his rounds, or you could steal back any confiscated stolen items by stealing the key from another guard and steal back the confiscated goods.
You could pay a hefty sum of money to get in at some place and then steal back the money, or you could steal the ammo from the guard and engage a fight with him causing him to either retreat or fight with his bare hands.
It could be a very very valuable skill.

22. Sneak only means you're great at keeping yourself undetected, it does NOT mean you're a great thief and it does NOT you know how to conceal items better.
Just means your footsteps are that of a mouse and you blend in with the darkness, mainly for getting around undetected and to silently kill things.
This means you can still be successful with the Steal skill even if you are detected by someone, as long as you're not completely detected by the one you're stealing from.

23. And finally, Traps, first off, traps should be more deadly, secondly, there should be more of them, ranging from a huge log chained to the ceiling to an alarmed door.
So for the skill to be worth it let there be more traps, hell, let there be moments (not a lot) were you can't even continue further in a building until you've disarmed the trap.
You can also create traps of your own, and yes, they are very deadly.

24. Armorer, used for crafting new armors and for reinforcing old ones and generally maintaining armors, this means that Mechanics/Repair does NOT repair armors, it's all decided on this skill. So if you have a low Armorer but high Mechanics/Repair then you'll be crap at repairing armors but great at repairing weapons.
The better armor you have the easier to repair armors it is, and you can also choose to further upgrade your own gear a lot of times and even craft new combat armor from cheap materials to sell for a high price.

Skill cap should be 200. (I'd rather have it at 300 though.)

Take a locked door, you want to open it:
With Strength you can bash it down, though the sound of the door breaking will make any NPC in the nearest 30 meters come looking for what it was. (Can only be done to wooden doors)
With Lockpick you can pick the door or container with no NPC awareness penalty.
With Explosives you can blow up the door though any container you blow the lock off has the chance of the item becoming destroyed. This will alert any NPC's in 70 meters. (You can only use C4 and Time-Bombs to blow open a lock, C4 is expensive and Time-Bombs are timerequireing to craft.)
With Chemistry you can craft different acids, all with different strengths, some able to chewing through Very Hard and some only being able to handle measly Very Easy locks, this will cause a smell that make any NPC's in 20 meters come looking for the source of the smell. (There is a delay to it.) ((Acids have to be crafted and the better ones are harder to get the materials for.))

Lockpick remains the best solution, Explosives is expensive and can damage the items inside container and draw everyone's attention, Strength cannot be relied on for every kind of door, only wooden ones and Acid is very hard to craft the better acids with, so a lot of time has to be spent hunting for materials.
So while other things can be used to pick locks it still remains as the alpha solution.


Extra note:
By removing Gambling Pilot, Outdoorsman and Traps it would end up being:

01. Blade
02. Blunt
03. Hand to Hand

04. Guns
05. Chemical Weapons
06. Explosives
07. Energy Weapons

08. Persuasion
09. Deception
10. Barter

11. Chemistry (Primarily crafting but has other uses too.)
12. Mechanics (cosmetic change from Repair (Includes some aspect of Science as well))
13. Electronics
14. Armorer

15. Medicine
16. Survival
17. Hacking

18. Lockpicking
19. Steal
20. Sneak

Pilot, Gambling, Outdoorsman and Traps only works if the game is designed a specific way, so they are less likely to happen.

Gonna suggest a new skill list:

01 Knifes - For fighting or assassinating with knifes
02 Blunt weapons - For fighting with hammers, sledges, baseball bats et cetera.
03 Guns - n/a
04 Big Guns - Minigun is still covered by Guns and Gatling Laser by EW, but with Big Guns, you can use every 8 STR weapon perfectly fine.
05 Energy Weapons n/a
06 Explosives - n/a
07 Chemical Weapons - Used for acid weapons, fire weapons and radiation weapons.
08 Traps - Determines how well you can spot, avoid and disarm traps.
09 Chemistry - Is used for crafting chems, acids and poisons.
10 Electronics - Is used for recharging depleted cells, tapping energy sources, getting through electronic padlocks, crafting electronic things and repairing energy weapons.
11 Mechanics - Is basically Repair, only that now, it only counts for mechanical things.
12 Hacking - n/a
13 Lockpicking - n/a
14 Sneak - n/a
15 Medicine - Is used for treating diseases, radiation poisoning, addiction withdrawal and determines how effecient drugs are.
16 Doctor - Is used for fixing broken limbs, collapsed lungs, closing up arteries(?) et cetera.
17 Herbalism - Determines how efficient your tribal remedies will be.
18 Armorer - Determines how well you can repair, modify and craft armors.
19 Steal - Determines how well you can steal things out in the open and pickpocket.
20 Persuasion - n/a
21 Deception - Determines how well you can lie when confronted, how well you can smuggle and how well you can disguise yourself, also determines how good of a poker face you have.
22 Intimidation - Determines how well you can intimidate enemies to run off or NPC's to give you information or items.
23 Barter - Determines how well you can trade things.
24 Politics - Determines how well you can talk to leader characters about political issues.
25 Taming - Determines how well you can tame wild animals to be become companions.
26 Climbing - Determines how well you can climb up things.
27 Outdoorsman - Decides how well you can travel, spot and avoid things in the world map.
28 Fencing - For fighting with long-bladed weapons
29 Throwing - Determines how well you can hit with throwing weapons, such as knifes, hatchets, spears and grenades.

Let us choose what race to be in Fallout 4.

Start out with:
* Wastelander > Prime Normal (race trait)
* Super Mutant > Nightkin (race trait)
* Android
* Ghoul
* Trog

Android (UnDeCafIndeed + Gabriel)
- Base HP (before endurance effect) x1.5
- Double effects from endurance
- +1 to Str, End and Per (changed my mind with the perception)
- +5 initial DT
- Does not require SLP/FOD/H2O
- +2 to detecting enemies on radar (10 real PER = 12 PER for the detecting enemies)
- Unique perks exclusive to Androids
- Immune to radiation and poison

- Base skillpoint gain halved (if the formula is 10+(intx0.5), it would be 5+(intx0.5) for androids)
- Perks one level later than others (if normal rate is 1:2, for android it'd be 1:3)
- -2 to max int and cha
- When lit on fire, it lasts twice aslong as with others, though fire does not do more damage than normally
- Does require ENRG and SYN
- Pulse or Tesla or Shock weapons inflict twice as much damage on Androids.
- Harder to heal oneself due to very expensive mechanics NPC's and expensive healing items.
- Harder to find healing supplies, those one does find (scrap metal/electronics) does very little to heal oneself
- Very reliant on Electronics and Mechanics which means Android players might have a slightly/heavily limited amount of skills.

* Bonus to initial reaction from humans.

* Initial reaction from mutants and ghouls halved.

Wastelanders have no greater pro's nor con's over the other races, they are the default race, basically, they are the SPECIAL
The race with the most freedom but also with the least bonuses and penalties.

Prime Normal trait tweaks:
* +1 INT
* +1 CHA
* Persuasion, Deception, Barter, Electronics, Mechanics and hacking gain x1.5 (This meanas that with this race trait and the normal trait Good Natured you can get a massive head start on support skills with the extreme drawback to combat skills.)

* Endurance effects with +% to rad and poison resistance is halved.
* All combat skills are decreased by x1.5

(Prime Normal means you were born in a Vault, what Vault and how you got out is for you to come up with yourself)

Super Mutant
* Base health x2.5 (Base health is 100 in FO3 and NV so it's 250 for Super Mutants.)
* +5 to min STR (6 is the lowest, can't go lower than that. (How much sense would it make for a super mutant with 3 in strength?)
* x1.5 damage with all blunt weapons and Hand to Hand weapons.
* x1.5 reloading speed and equipment speed with big weapons (minigun, flamer, gatling laser)
* Immunity to Radiation and +30% poison resistance.
* +10% damage resistance against laser, explosives, bullets and fire.

* -4 to max INT
* -3 to max CHA
* Due to prejudice Super Mutants get less initial Reaction from humans.
* Cannot use the small weapons. (SMG's, pistols, revolvers, sawn off shotguns et cetera.)
* Has the least amount of armors in the game.

Nightkin trait tweaks: (Sebor13 + Gabriel)
* Stealthboys last twice as long and can be used two times before depletion. (Perk later on can allow to recharge depleted stealthboys.)
* Have a greater chance to find stealthboys in random container spawns.
* x2.0 sneak. (If base sneak with tagged is 30 then it becomes 60)
* +1 min AGI

* health is x1.5 (in comparison to regular super mutant)
* +3 to min STR (in comparison to regular super mutant)
* -2 CHA for super mutant NPC's. (Due to the schizophrenia.)
* You occasionally hear whispers and enemy voices and can see random red dots pop up on the compass while there is nothing there. (Craziness.)
* Friendly NPC's can also show up as hostile dots on the radar.

Ghoul (UnDeCafIndeed + Gabriel)
* Each tagged skill earns 2.5 more skill points than for other races. (Ghouls have after all lived for a very very long time.) (So if base is 15 then it means 37 per tagged skill)
* Machines that use "detect life" scanners cannot see them. (Thanks to Broken Steel that made ghouls have 0% body heat...)
* Gain exclusive perks surrounding radiation bonuses. (Healing crippled limbs, storing radiation, unleashing a radiation cloud like Glowing Ones can, stuff like that.) (Hell, every race except for Wastelanders and Prime Normals should get exclusive perks for their races.)
* 100% radiation resistance.
* Radiation heals over time (slowly). (Both health and crippled limbs.)
* Kinsman ability, feral ghouls and aggressive SM's are more likely to leave the player alone if not provoked (not being friendly, just having a possibility to be less agressive and ignore the player).
* Bonus to initial reaction for non-feral ghouls, neutral/friendly SM's and human ghoulsympathisers (excluding characters with set mindsets).

* Cannot wear heavy armor or power armor.
* -1 to Charisma (I saw that thing on Arcanum about "beauty" and I think that would suit ghouls better but since we only have Charisma I guess this'll have to do.)
* -1 to Agility. (They aren't exactly the best gymnastics, they'd probably lose a limb if entering the OS. )
* -2 to max Endurance.
* No natural DT or DR.
* +15% recieved damage.
* (those two due to skin and flesh conition)
* Initial reaction from humans halved (other than ghoulsympathisers).
* Slower movement than humans.
* Highest STR is 7, which means bye bye to all Heavy Weapons.

* +5 DT (due to their thick skin
* Sees better in dark areas
* x1.5 to Traps, Survival skills
* x1.5 to base health
* +2 to min END
* x3.0 to END effects. (Radiation and poison resistance.)
* Gain no penalties to any races initial reactions, Trogs are neutral with all other races. (Ferals and krazies can still attack them but are not "as" likely to do so.)

* Takes longer time to adjust to bright areas when leaving a dark area
* -2 to max ITN
* -2 to max CHA
* -2 to max AGI
* Gains no bonuses to initial reactions.

Gonna add Sandmen


Thick Skin ability is a constant ability which raises itself, like FOD, H2O and SLP meters.
Shed Skin is something you can activate in the Aid bar.

Pro's (Thick skin)
* DT gets stronger the thicker your skin becomes.
* Poison chance is reduced the thicker your skin becomes.
* +END the thicker your skin becomes.

Con's (Thick skin)
* -AGI the thicker your skin becomes.
* -Reload speed the thicker your skin becomes.
* -Running speed the thicker your skin becomes.
* -Equip speed the thicker your skin becomes.
* -STR the thicker your skin becomes.

Pro's (shed skin)
* +Reload speed.
* +Running speed.
* +Equip speed.
* Regain all AGi and STR with +1 for the first 199 of Skin Thickness.

Con's (shed skin)
* Lose all DT, Poison Resistance and END bonuses and gain +10% more damage from enemies.

Concept art (Thick Skin)

Lacerta/Snake Eye
* Can see the body heat during night time.
* Regenerates limbs all the time. (Constant +5hp/s to limbs)
* Regenerates regular health all the time. (Constant +2hp/s to health)
* +10% sneak chance in dark places

* -35% fire resistance (Fire does 35% more damage to Lacerta's)
* +100% knockdown chance from explosions (Any explosion will knock you out.)
* Cannot use Stimpaks

Concept art
(Lacerta's does not have to be part of the Legion, they originated from Canada, so more tribes could have moved down south to whereever the next game takes place, though then they'd be called Snake Eyes. Only Legion calls them Lacerta.)

Unlootable Armors
Unlootable armor/clothing:
* If you explode the enemies head then their headgear is destroyed.
* If you shoot off an arm, leg or explode the entire body then the armor is destroyed too.
* If an enemies armor reaches 0 CND then it becomes broken beyond repair, so even if you don't chop off a limb the armor might still be unlootable.

This means that it's best to go for headshots and try to get as little "splatter" as possible.

No more health for leveling up
Here's a wild idea, how about having fixed player health?
No +hp per level.
The only way to get an increase in health is by taking Intense Training>Endurance, Lifegiver or getting an Endurance implant.
If they balance the enemies health, damage and armor around this fixed health then it could produce a more balanced combat.

So it's base health + ENDx#.
Say that base health is 50 and each END gives +5, this means that top health for a lvl 1 player is 100.
By getting Lifegiver we get +15 more health and by taking rank two we get +15 more.
The max amount of health is then 130 for the player character.

This means that armor is far more important than it was before and if balanced right then even regular small time raiders could become a challenge if the player isn't careful.
Right now I feel that END is pointless, it used to give more health per level the higher it was, now all it does is increase base health, so if it's gonna stay that way then remove the +hp per level and balance the game's combat around it.

(All weapon stats will of course have to be changed.)

Why I would like this is because I feel that humans should be humans, this doesn't necessarily mean realistic combat (headshot=instakill) but the player character should not be able to walk around like a god because he/she has 500% more health than the average human in the game.
So the player character can get better in his/her skills and get perks and traits (which a large amount of NPC's should have as well.) but we don't magically become a bullet sponge.

It's just that, how come we can walk around with a ridiculous amount of health while the NPC's don't get to?
I understand that with better Endurance we can withstand more damage, but how do we magically get this +health increase per level?
We should not be any better with health than other humans are.
Why should we? Cause we're the player character? Yeah, we've seen how balanced that turned out in FO3 and FONV.
It all depends on your and enemies END stat.
If an NPC has 8 END and a metal armor MK II it means that it's a tough son of a [censored].
If he wields a minigun then we should fear for out lives.

So say we find 5 raiders, three of them have END 6 while two have END 3.
Their health is: 80+80+80+65+65.
Your character has END 8, it's 90.
Total amount of health is 370 versus 90.
Depending on your equipment and theirs they can present a tremendous challenge.
The strength is in numbers, the more enemies you face the harder they will become.
Cause while facing one of them is reasonable since you both have the same amount of health facing 5 means their health tops yours.

Make combat more exciting by making all humans equal, all depending on what armor and END stat we/they have.

Only problem I see for this is those that "want" demi-god characters.
But yknow what?
If you want a demi-god then turn the difficulty down to Very Easy AKA Cakewalk.

Note: I know I can nerf myself, thing is, I shouldn't have to, the game should be balanced towards making a challenge to the player.
Extra Note: I know that this might seem unorthodox(Is this the right word?) for an RPG but what harm comes out of it? We can still improve our health if we wish to it's just that we don't get such an absurd health over other humans.
Third Note: Players are given health every tenth level. ENDx0.5hp. At level 40 the total amount of a 10 END character is +20hp. (if cap is at 50 then the total health a player can earn is 155. (Which is well over any human character. Still less than super mutants, trogs, deathclaws or giant radscorpions though.)

Disadvantages (Yay for self enforced perma-nerf)
Add Disadvantages to the character creation.
Disadvantages are strictly negative features for those of us who want to roleplay or gimp our characters permanently.
So if we think that we are too powerful then at our next character we can pick the Bad Health disadvantage which lowers our base health by half.
Or we could pick the Barely Stabilized disadvantage which removes any health given by level ups.
Giving enough variations of Disadvantages we can optimize the game more for our preference and us who want it to be harder can make it so by permanent gimps.
Those who does not wish to use these don't have to.
You can pick as many Disadvantages as you want.
* Enemies give twice as much damage.
* Poisons are twice as lethal. Rank 2: Trice as lethal. Rank 3: Four times as lethal.
* Limbs have 50% less maximum health.
* Permanently cripple [limb]. 6 ranks.
* Enemies reload 20% faster. Rank 2: 40%.
* Enemies run 10% faster. Rank 2: 20%. Rank 3: 30%.
* Enemies attack 10% faster. Rank 2: 20%. Rank 3: 30%. Rank 4: 40%. Rank 5: 50%.
* Stimpacks heal slower on hardcoe Mode.
* Food Items no longer give health.
* Water no longer give health.
* Radiation intake it doubled. Rank 2: Trippled. Rank 3: quadrupled. (Base rad 2rads/1sec, rank 1: 4rads/1sec, rank 2: 6rads/sec, rank 3: 8rads/sec.)
* Healing items are more expensive to buy.
* Radaways are rarer to buy.
* Critical failure is more likely to happen. Rank 2: likelier (This is a real word?).

By giving us this new self imposed permanent gimp feature we can create our own balance in the game and tweak it the way we want to.
Sure, we're suppose to play the game according to the game's set rules, but if you as developers fail to create good rules to follow that are balanced then we who are on consoles are [censored] all out of luck, cause at least PC users can get mods to tweak their balance.
This new mechanic is needed for us who want to create our own balance on consoles and maybe even PC, for us who feels that the game isn't hard enough and want to make it harder.
Sure, I can choose to, in Vegas and FO3, to avoid buying the radaways, but it feels like I'm locking myself out of the games content.
I cannot play the game as I want to play it.
If I find radaways I want to be able to buy them without worrying about breaking the balance.
So how are these permanent gimps different?
Well, they're permanent, for us who are weak willed and are bad at imposing limitations on ourselves this is a great solution.
Cause once we create the character then the damage is done, no matter how much I want to find 200 radaways I simply won't be able to.
It's like a bandaid, imposing limitations on ourselves as it currently stand can be like pulling it off very slowly and then placing it back on the skin and slowly pulling it off again, it's annoying and slightly painful.
But these disadvantages are like pulling it clean off, once you've checked the ones you want and finish character creation then the changes has been made.
I for one am bad at imposing limitations on myself, when I find a new great weapon I want to be able to use it without having to worry about enemies becoming too easy to kill, so with Disadvantages I can check the box to make them have more health or DT or maybe lower my own damage by 10 to 50%.

I see no reason why this shouldn't be included.
Might take some coding and scripting to fix but once done it can really help people like me.
And if you don't like it, then you don't have to use it.
Win win in my eyes.

"But isn't like that now? If you don't want it to be unbalanced then don't use the good stuff?"
Yup, it is, but why shouldn't I be able to use the good stuff?
By including this new feature I can use the good stuff and still have it balanced.
I can choose to use any high level items, perks, armors, weapons, meds and chems I want to.
And if I checked a lot of Disadvantages at the start of the game then even though I use these high level stuff I can still have it balanced.

"But won't they have to balance the game towards these?"
No, they won't. The reason for these is to simply make it harder in a vast variety of ways for the player.
It's only there for us who think the base game is not balanced.
So they only have to focus on balancing the Vanilla in their own way and leave it up to us to balance it out in our way with Disadvantages later if we feel that it isn't balanced.

And I don't think that too much time and resources will be spent on this.
They're basically like perks, just the other way around.
Can't be too hard to design, code, script, blabla for professional developers right?


You get to relocate your disadvantages at lvl 10, 20 and 30 (every 10 levels).
Cause in case one disadvantage didn't turn out the way you expected you can still relocate it later on.
Would be kinda bad if you gimp yourself on a couple of things then at lvl 13 figure out it did not turn out the way you intended it to and are now stuck with that character or have to restart your entire character.
So you will be able to respec Disadvantages but you won't be able to do it any time you want to, you get 4 chances, one at creation and 3 more at each 10 levels.

I do NOT want
So I've said tons of stuff I "want".
Time for stuff I absolutely do NOT want:

No Enclave as major faction, minor or like in New Vegas with remnants is fine.
No cover behind chest high wall mechanic unless it's completely optional. (Meaning I don't get shot dead four times over for not spurting from cover to cover.)
No automatic regeneration of health at the get go. Only allow that through perks and implants. And even then somewhat limited.
No linear game design a la FO3 where we're forced to join a faction we don't want to join.
No Liberty Prime or Oblivion ending where I don't get to do crap.

Don't continue the game past the ending, that's an Elder Scrolls thing, not a Fallout thing. Fallout needs to have lots and lots of ending sliders that tell the tale of the wasteland after we're done affecting it. Allowing us to continue will just devalue those ending sliders or the ending sliders will follow ES design and "not" change the world, which Fallout is all about; Changing the world. Unless it's an easter egg continuation like in Fallout 2.

No perk every level. And no perk every other level if the cap is higher than 30. Make it every third and make them more powerful instead.
No slow-mo feature, this isn't Max Payne.
No Matrix jumping around crap, this isn't Wet.
Don't merge Guns and EW, this isn't Elder Scrolls.
Do NOT allow us to get pregnant or have a child, a baby takes 9 months, this isn't Fable.

Don't allow us romance options in the game if the writing for that romance isn't loooooooong and very greatly written. (Long enough that it doesn't just "stop" like companions do after we've exhausted their dialogue options and personal quests.)

Don't allow us to buy shops here and there, this isn't Fable. Allow us to buy "maybe" ONE shop, and have another one where a guy wants to go into a partnership with you where he does all the paperwork and you do the more practical things.

No realistic health and headshots as default, have that in a [Realism Mode] or exclude it completely.
No bullet sponges.
No more "[Intelligence 8] So you fight the good fight with your voice?" *shudders*
No more super mutants that can be killed with a freaking hunting rifle.
No more 1 damage from a super mutant fist to the face.
No more level scaling.
No more dungeons every 40 meters.
No more generic Raiders, all groups in the game has to have a name and some lore building to them through notes, dialogue, quests and audio logs.
Don't merge Guns and Energy Weapons.
Don't do any marriage crap.

Healing and Drugs
Rework the healing and drugs system.

Drugs should take a couple of seconds to kick in, the stronger the drugs the faster and more effective they are. So a weak Psyho takes maybe 10 seconds to kick in and only does 15% extra damage. While a strong Psycho takes 3 seconds to kick in and has 30% extra damage.

Hydra and Healing Poultice should take longer to heal limbs but there should be a negative effect to them too, for 12 in game hours limbs take 50% extra damage. Cause right now they're far too powerful.
Addiction for Hydra and Healing Poultice makes the 50% extra damage permanent until you visit a doctor or use Fixer.

Fixer should have a % chance of removing addictions, the stronger the addiction the harder the % for a Fixer to fix it. Making doctors more viable choices but also more expensive.

Doctors Bag's should not instantly heal limbs, when using a doctors bag an ingame hour should pass.

Stimpaks and Super Stimpacks should have a max limit to how many can be taken like how potions in Oblivion could only be used a certain number of times.
It's based on the END stat, for 1stimpack:1END while 1SuperStimpak:2END.
When you reach this limit a message pops up telling you you can overdose if you take any more, for each additional stimpak you take the overdose chance is raised by 20%.
So if you reach the limit and take another stimpak it has a 20% chance to overdose you and the next has a 40% chance.

Healing Powders have no overdose or limit to their usage, making a high supply of them a great substitute.

Addictions should be more hurtful, making an addiction a pain in the ass to have, maybe additional effects to the -stats?
Like, Med-X can cause your max health to decrease or make more impervious(?) to pain (+damageonplayer).
And Steady can cause your accurcy to drop or your recoil to be more severe.
Super Stimpaks can cause head pains a higher chance to being knocked down and a max health drop.
Just make addictions something to fear more.

Healing items shouldn't be used for granted, they shouldn't be just positives, there needs to be a negative to them too so the the player doesn't rely on them too much and so they don't abuse drugs all the time.
Could also make Endurance's addiction resistance (5%:1END) and perks more useful.

New civilized humanoid ideas
Intelligent Mirelurks
Oh! I got it!
Okay, so I want Mirelurks to be intelligent and capable of interacting with humans on a civil level and hopefully spread out enough to be a big part of the franchise and I know how to make them intelligent!

Okay, so a breeding ground for mirelurks has been in a mentats production facility for over a century, these mirelurks has through generations of mutation along with the mentats effect grown capable of human intelligence.
They are not cavemen but they are not the avarage human either, they're something in between, intelligent but inexperienced with mechanics, electronics, trade and social standards.
Storylines could include racism towards them, them overpopulating their home and need to find other lakes and rivers to colonize, humans hunting them down for their meat and eggs, discrimination, maybe even interacial relationships and so on

It's not too farfetched to me, mirelurks has gone through heavy mutations and add in that a certain breed has had contact with mentats over generations of breeding and it could very well work.
Since they produce very rapidly as they lay eggs over carrying a fetus inside them for 9 months they could expand quickly if the choice of the player to tell their leader to colonize other lakes and rivers is made canon.

I really want a new civilized humanoid race to be part of Fallout, and I think Mirelurks could work. I'd rather have Trogs but if I can I'd like both.
Cause Super Mutants are dying out, and while new ghouls can be created they cannot procreate so they are eventually going to be a dying race as well unless they finally use Reservation from Van Buren.
So I think it's best to introduce new civilized races as early as possible and let them work out their differences with humans over the course of games while subtly killing off Super Mutants and possibly regular Ghouls.


Sandmen are sort like Desert Ghouls, they are like thin The Thing's, very cracked and tough skin, an inherent DT bonus and Agility disadvantage.
Their mutation came from the ghoulification, causing them to rapidly regenerate their lost tissue, but due to the constant exposure to the desert their skin stopped falling off and at some point started to layer over their scabs, causing a very cracked skin that is continuously layering itself with new tissue. Every couple of years they forcefully shed their scab-skin and start a new because it becomes too hard for them to move.

How about that? Sandmen is of course just a working title which I myself hate, sounds too Star Wars'y.


The Sandmen is just an appearnce I've had in mind for years, never really expanded on it, so their culture is not something I have thought of.
But I thought of another thing to add to their mutation, in Broken Steel ghouls apparently have no body heat, yes it's ridiculous but let's roll with it.
Sandmen hate that cold, so they thrive in the warmth of the sun and especially the deserts which is what caused them to spend so much time in the sun to alter their mutation in the first place.

Blood Men
Now Bloodmen, they work on that mentats idea I had.
Pre-war there was a facility that was working on making plants out of flesh, plants that would grow out of the ground and eat bacteria, flies, bugs and basically anything coming in contact with them but which would produce edible meat for protein. The plants are also blood red.
The experiment was to solve starvation issues in less fortunate countries and to provide a secure future for America in case overpopulation becomes such a trouble that cows and chickens cannot be produced fast enough.
When the bombs hit the plants slowly grew out of the facility and have slowly spread across an enourmoues(?) area.
Very early of the Great War a band of survivors found these plants and set up camp near them, they offered meat straight out of the ground which was such a comfort that they made a small town.
Over the course of one and a half century of eating these plants they have through generations been genetically altered themselves, they've lost contact with the outside world and devolved into a very basic tribe.
They are roughly the size of Lily in New Vegas, very muscular, blood red skin, pitch black hair, very fair faces.
They have very strong regenerative abilities. But. They are strict carnivores now. And because of their size they need to fill a certain quota of nurishment. This means not many of them leave their lands, and those that do rarely have pretty reputations. The ones that have been encountered outside of the blood lands are very unpredictable, if you travel with one of them and they get hungry it won't be too long before they panic, kill you and eat you. They simply don't know what to do when they get hungry. Due to this they are often causing problems in communities with brahmin herds, often being called demons because of their demonic appearance.

In the blood lands other animals have eaten these "plants" as well and mutated, becoming far more dangerous. The blood lands is not a place for the inexperienced, it's animals are often camoflauged and very dangerous when entering their territory.

One problem with these plants is that, they eat other plants, and they breathe too, so the air in blood lands are really thin.
And if left alone, these plants could potentially take over the world (in thousands of years maybe but still), they eradicate any other trace of life and leaves behind only a sea of mutant fleshy plants, if or when they take over the earth's land they will svck up all the air and leave the atmosphere completely drained.

It's a pitch of what I had in mind for Blood Men.


About fleshy plants, my idea was kinda with blood grass and those blood bush thingies from Oblivion, there are only 4 or 5 types of plants growing in blood lands so there aren't gonna be trees or anything like that.
The idea of their pitch blood red colour is simply for shock and awe artistic design wise. Imagine laying eyes on a sea of blood for the first time only to discover it's a mutated kind of plant.
Hell, since they feed off of contact they could drain health from you as you walk this land unless you have an armor type on with accompyning boots that prevent it.
So the reason for their pitch red is simply to shock the player, it'll look like a massive bloody mess has happened.
Changing the design could work but I dunno if it would give the same shocking impact and their natural colour is the cause for Blood Men to become demonic in their appearance.
Like, how if you eat carrots you turn yellow or if you eat tons and tons of tomatoes you turn red, the plants has one of those enzymes or whatever that will colour the person eating it if too much is ingested.

But they're both just pitch'es, they need work.
The design I had in mind for Bloodmen doesn't clash as well if the land isn't bloodred though.

(I'd rather the game uses a map node system, imagine loading a new node and then BAM! smack dab in an organic mess.)

The blood lands would of course have more to it than just "omygoshthelandiscoveredwithbloooood!", the Bloodmen know of what the plants curse is that they kill off other plants and can potentially kill the world so they salted the borders in order for the plants to not be able to set soil there and they keep out outsiders and prevent people from taking the plants with them.
A storyline could include people wanting to use these plants for food and doesn't care about thier so called "curse" as it's free food. They consider it a gift from the gods that should be spread freely.
But the Bloodmen knows that if it's distributed through trade then control over the blood plants would seize to exist and the end of the world above water would be drawn even closer.


2. Well they kinda breather a lot more than plants would and they produce no new oxygen which regular plants do, oxygen still gets through blood lands but in a lot more limited amount which could cause a -1 END until the player gets adjusted to the thin air.
And here's how I thought about it that say that there is a small circle that is blood land, now, say that cirle gets big enough for the air in the middle to be so thin that even the plants there cannot survive, then the borders would act like a giant wave continously swalloing everything in it's path whilst killing it's own plants as well.
Couple this with trading of the plants and it won't just be isolated to one area, no it could very well spread all over, killing every plant in it's path and draining the oxygen to such low levels a lot of the plant life dies out.
The end of the world could just be a prediction that the Blood Men has, doesn't mean it has to be true, but allowing the plant to breed freely can still be catastrophic. Besides, the Blood Men is a tribe, they have long since forgotten that the earth is round and that there are 5 continents (Or is it six?) They only know that there is land and that the plant is going to kill it if they lose control.

Reworked skill system.


Got an idea for a skill system with the point values which I think could be really useful.
See, when Lockpicking is 56, what does it mean really? I mean, we get something at 25, 50, 75 and 100, but in between there are just tiny variables.
Instead of having tiny variables based on a system that goes to 100 I think it could be better to change it to 10.

Now, point distribution would work differently.

For a tagged skill, going from 0 to 1 would require 1 skill point, and going from 1 to 2 would require 2 skill points, whereas from 0 to 2 requires 3 skill points.

0-1: 1 sp
0-2: 3 sp
0-3: 6 sp
0-4: 10 sp
0-5: 15 sp
0-6: 21 sp
0-7: 28 sp
0-8: 36 sp
0-9: 45 sp
0-10: 55 sp

With untagged skills the values are higher though.

0-1: 2 sp
0-2: 6 sp
0-3: 12 sp
0-4: 20 sp
0-5: 30 sp
0-6: 42 sp
0-7: 56 sp
0-8: 72 sp
0-9: 90 sp
0-10: 110 sp

Intelligence now has a strict value according to skill points it gives, so 1INT:1sp.
This would mean that tagged skills go up quickly, while untagged skills take a long time to go up.
This also means we can have a higher level cap without worrying that we'll max every skill out.
Cause with 10INt it still requires 11 levels to get an untagged skill from 0 to 10.
This also means that we don't get any odd numbers from the start, no 7 in Explosives or 12 in Speech just cause our Perception or Charisma is at 5 and 7.

I know it's a radical change, but this would make Intelligence a lot more vital, it would prevent us from being able to max everything out, it would mean we could get a higher level cap and it'd make skills actually do something for each increase.

Cause like I said, what exactly is the difference between 55 and 56 in Explosives?
Or how about Speech? It always have fixed values, so having 44 won't do crap.
With this it'd cut down pointless numbers to a more structured fix for skill levels.
6 in Science actaully means something now, as opposed to 67.

It's not perfect, possibly still have a few kinks to work out, but I think this would be better than the current system.
Not just cause of balance, not just cause of pointless miniscule variations, but because it'd change players priorities on things.
So that people might satisfy leaving Lockpick at 8 cause 9 requires way too many skill points for them as it's untagged.

Really simply version of this is Speech and Lockpick.

Speech 1 means you can use speech with dialogue that requires 1, 2 means 2 and so forth, no unnecessary numbers like 64 or 13.
Lockpick has (if we are using the minigame) 10 variations and 10 skill levels, not 5 variations and 100 skill levels.
If using a dice-roll then I suppose each door has a certan -% for it being unlocked and with each point you decrease the -%, so a easy door has originally -80% of being unlocked, but with Lockpick 1 the chance of success is increased by 20%, so at 4 in Lockpick you can get through easy doors without breaking a sweat.
Whereas a very hard lock has -250%, which means that with 10 your chance is 200% better, so you have 50% of getting through that lock with 10 in Lockpicking.

I doubt many will like this idea though because it's such a big change from the current formula.
It could give us better balance, higher level cap, make Intelligence worth a damn, make Tag Skills worth a damn and give each skill level a point, rather than just having a bunch of miniscule variables.

Just a pitch at the moment, might improve it later.
Just thought I'd share what I've been thinking about.


Oh yeah, another thing that is good about this system is the defining of characters for roleplaying.
See, getting a tagged skill up to 10 is easy.
But getting a untagged skill is a complete drain in points.
So, it would give players an incentive to not just go for 10 in every skill, to max them out, but to define their characters more carefully.
Like, their tagged skills are at 10, they are specialists in that area.
But one players character has 7 in Lockpicking and 7 in Explosives, and has no desire to spend any more points on either of them becauase of the amount of points their require.
This would help the roleplaying aspect of it, his character is a specialist in Electronics, Energy Weapons and Hacking, a technician if you will, brilliant in each area.
But the character also has some knowledge in how to pick locks, he isn't the best in the world but he can get through a lot of locks.
He also isn't a demo-man but he has knowledge of how to handle explosives.
Ain't as good in either of those two fields as he is with his tagged skills, but he isn't bad at them either.

So it would give players an incentive to leave skills at a fitting area.
Or, a player can do this, get a lot of skills up to 5, which means they'll have general knowledge in everything, but they won't be a specialist in anything.

Dirt and evil things


Oh I got a great suggestion:

If a settlement has been up and running for 5+ years then why does it STILL have to be dirty?
I mean seriously, clean crap up Bethesdian, if the NCR has set up an outpost on the road to form a toll then why is it STILL dirty?
Cracks in the walls and asphalt can still be okay, but I'd like to see places be a bit more clean and fresh.

Also, please add more keys to NPC's and have more locks to places with things worth a damn in them.
Like, just for flavour material, it would have been nice if Trudy had had a couple of terminal entries on her computer which explained some recent things that has happened in Goodsprings prior to your arrival, then she could have had a holodisk with the password in her house in a locked desk, a desk which SHE has the key to.
Just saying, there should be things worth pickpocketing, keys, holodisks, audio logs, diaries and other things.

I would like to be able to steal toys from children, to intimidate them to give me their toys, could be repeatable way to earn -karma. (That is if Karma HAS to be in Fallout 4)

I'd also like to be able to find scripted repeatable encounters in the wasteland, like a man and wife that is trying to find a settlement at which point I can tell them to go to a raider faction I'm friendly with insted.
Or to be able to go on raiding skirmishes with friendly raider factions.
I'd also like to be able to rob people, like, use iron sights on a person then hit E/A/X and then rob people without having to kill them.
And I doubt this would be included but it'd be interesting to be able to forcefully fornicate people too.

I simply want more ways to be, ahem, "evil" than just murderkilldeath.

Repair, Crafting and Modding overhaul.
I want the repair system, craftin system and modding system to be overhauled.

Three skills, Electronics, Mechanics and Armorer.
They share 3 things, and Electornics and Mechancis have other uses in quests.
Repairing items.
Modding items.
And crafting items.

Electronics is used for crafting, modding and repairing items of a electronic nature.
Power fists, energy weapons, cattle prods, anything like that can be repaired with this skill.
And you can also craft these items along with Plasma and Pulse Grenades and Electronic Lockpicks.
And finally, it's used for successfully modding weapons of electronic nature.

Mechanics is the same thing, mostly for Guns and mechanized weapond in Explosives, Unarmed and Melee.
Such as Rippers, Chainsaws, Ballistic Fists, Missile launcher et cetera.

And Armorer is for armors specifically.

Now, why do I want three skills that does the same thing but to different things?
Cause first of all, it makes more sense, someone who knows how armor works and what is in need of repairs does not necessarily know why their .22 Pistol is jamming or why their Laser Rifle's optics are firing in the wrong direction.
And secondly, it will either force players to spend more skill points in these skills OR use NPC's to repair, mod and craft their stuff.

I think it could help the economy.

Another thing with these skills is crafting weapons and armors.
There are three variants of items (they do not necessarily need a retexture) Worn, Normal and Quality Items.
Now, Worn Items are weapons and armors which you loot, these items have been used for a long time and they aren't as sturdy as they once were.
They are cheaper to buy and sell for less money, but they aren't as useful as the Normal or Quality variants.

Normal Items are the general things you buy, not top notch but not old and worn either.
They have their modest price and are not generally found as loot, but it can happen.

Quality Items are very rare to find, they are what you craft and they are rarer to show up in NPC stores.
They sell for far more than Worn and have much better stats.

Why I want this is because I think, again, it could help the economy.
If you don't put any skill points in either of these three skills that means you have to buy Quality Weapons, you have to pay NPC's for modding weapons and you have to pay NPC's for repairing broken stuff.

It means that caps have to be used for stuff.
You can't trade 10 Worn 10mm Pistols to an NPC for repairing your Leather Armor Mark II, you have to use caps.

Or, if you put points in Mechanics and Armorer then you don't have to use NPC's for anything but buying weapon/armor schematics. (But they aren't that expensive)

Now, where does this leave unarmed and melee weapons?
Brass Knuckles, doesn't break. They just don't.
Baseball bat? It breaks, the end. How exactly are you suppose to repair a weapon which is a formed one-piece wodden stick? It's not like a gun where you can take out a broken part and replace it with something else.
So some Melee/Unarmed weapons doesn't break, they are few though, others can't be repaired, forcing Melee player and Unarmed players to have a supply of weapons instead of just using one weapon throughout the entire game.
And some weapons, like Cattle Prod and Ripper, can be repaired through Electronics and Mechanics.

"But isn't it redundant to have 3 skills that do the same thing?"
Perhaps, but would you rather have caps be worth a damn or do you want to magically repair, mod and craft anything with a super skill?

"Wouldn't it be better to use Perks to specialize?"
I don't think so, Skyrim wanted to do this, have skills with perk trees to allow spealization, and I didn't like it.
I don't like the concept of it. That after being 100 in a skill you just pick a perk and *poof* now you know how to craft armors!
I think that it should be about specialization right off the bat. Guns, Explosives and EW do this. Melee and Unarmed do this. Don't see why these game features can't.
I mean, imagine if you train yourself to box, then one day, you just *poof* know martial arts.
I don't like it.
Perks should be tweaks towards the skill you are proficient in.
Not just add something out of the blue.
Take Center Of Mass for example, it's not a drastic tweak, you use shotguns with Guns, then you figure out through time how to do what Center Of Mass do.
But if you spend your life repairing guns it doesn't mean you can just automatically know how to craft pulse grenades one day by taking a perk.
I don't like Perks being used for this, it's subjective, I know, but I still don't like it.

This is just a pitch and needs polishing of course.

But having just one repair skill?
It's too powerful.

Having just one variant of a weapon?
I don't really like it, I know CND could be used for this but I think it could help the economy by giving players more expensive items to buy and making loot be worth less.

Being able to just slap on a weapon mod?
Why? The economy is crap, it's always been crap, we can through weapon mods try to balance it out a little by forcing players to use NPC's to install them if we do not meet the skill requirement for it.

Something needs to change with the repair system and economy and we need more services that NPC's provide which requires money.
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Chloe Yarnall
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