I'll be fairly active for the next couple weeks to resolve things, but unfortunately, I don't have time to mod anymore. I suppose I should let you all know what I've been up to. I've been writing a science fiction novel, part of a future ongoing series. It's taken me a year on worldbuilding alone, and now I'm almost finished revising the first story. In that time I've put as much effort into it as all my mods in the past five years. I'm the kind of person who can only obsess on one thing, and so my original fiction has taken over from all the work I've done here. I hope to publish sometime in the next few years.
Anyway, I'm here to discuss my mods. I've been reading threads to figure out where to post them, but I've also been considering fixing up those couple lingering bugs in UL. However, I need assistance tracking them down. Many people have figured out how to fix them already, so I'd like to hear from you.