;;;;;;;;;;;Reset the bow jerk after shot is fired
(When the bow jerk starts jerk was set to .3)
if jerk != 1 && jerk != 0
set jerk to ( jerk - getsecondspassed )
if jerk <= 0
setmousespeedx 0
setmousespeedy 0
set jerk to 1
If the player goes into bullet time where the game time is set down like this:
con_SetIniSetting "fGlobalTimeMultiplier:General" .2; sets bullet time
Then the jerk movement goes on for several player real time seconds.
Here is what I am wondering, can GetUserTime be used in place of getsecondspassed?
Kinda like this (pseudo code):
(When the bow jerk starts Set jerk to .3 + GetUserTime )
if jerk != 1 && jerk != 0
if jerk == GetUserTime
setmousespeedx 0
setmousespeedy 0
set jerk to 1
But how do I use GetUserTime correctly to get seconds (not minutes or hours) from the players PC?