My ideal Leveling System for TES

Post » Fri May 11, 2012 1:58 pm

disclaimer-after coming up with this idea, i realize it very similar and actually take stuff from FONV`

Ok, this is my ideal idea for leveling.

First off, have a "special" system at beginning. This way u can craft ur ideal toon right at beginning with stats. It would be like FO with 5 points into each stat and then a bonus of 5 stats to throw wherever. now u can take away point to add to another, like u could take away all the way to 0 or max it out to 10.

Starting charecters would avergae out not counting added stats with 50 health, 100 carry weight, and 20 stamina. Can be different depending on which race but minor.

Now as far as the stats ill list them and what they do.

1. strength-> Skills associated with it are 1 and 2 hander melee weapons, and heavy armor. Effects your carry weight, 1 and 2 hander weapon dmg increase (each 2 points into str increases the base dmg for weapons by 1), also effects the build look of your charector.
2. Agility (also is combined with speed)-> Skills associated with it are archery, light armor, sneak, and pickpocketing. Effects your amount of stamina, movement speed, jump height, and archery dmg (each 2 points of agi increases base dmg with archery weapons by 1)
3. Endurance->Skills associated with it are armorer, block, and unarmed. Effects your poisen resist, reduces chance of stagger/knotckdown, each point in end increase ur health each lvl up, and your unarmed dmg (each 2 points into end increases base dmg of unarmed fists or weapons by 1).
4. Willpower->Skills include alteration, restoration, and destruction. effects your mana and sta regen, and desease/spell/curse/silence resist
5. intelligence-> Skills include lockpicking, alchemy, conjuration, and enchanting. effects your mana pool, increase ur mana by however many points u have in int each lvl up.
6. luck-> skills include none. dosent effect increases in your skills at all. effects your crit rate with spells/melee/archery by 1% each point u have in luck. aso low chancefor enemy to drop weapon after atking or if u block and spells blowing up in enemy face.
7. personaility-> skills include speechcraft, mercantile, and illusion. effects prices at shops, npc disposition and speech checks.

each point into said stat increases associated skills by 2 points.
Every skill stat starts off at 5 except for the major and minors of said race.

At start the amount of points in A. Intelligence increases mana pool by 10, B. Endurance increases health pool by 10, C. agility increases stamina by 10 points, D. Strength increases carry weight by 10 points. Intelligence if placed at 0, pc will have no mana pool at all during the game.

Speech checks success/failures and actions towards a said grp or quest completion increases/decreases npc disposition. bribes increase/decrease temporarly.

Lvl cap at 50.

Skill at 50 is normal dmg/duration/healing for melee/archery/offensive spells/defensive spells/resoration spells. Skill at 0 does 25% less base effect duration/dmg/healing than value at 50. Skill at 100 does 50% more base effect duration/dmg/healing from the value at 50.

Birth signs and racial effects (not resists) scale with level. Abilities affecting targets at certain base levels would increase every 2 levels to affect 1 level higher. Example, war shout affecting npcs at lvl 10 and below at level one, at lvl 50 would affect lvl 35 and below. Duration types would get an additional second each 2 levels. Dmging or healing effects would increase by 1 every 2 levels.

Armorer would level up from crafting and even slower with repairing. recipes up to a certain point like ebony and glass can be bought from armorers. daedric, dwarven, and certain types would have to be found in tombs, ruins, houses, etc.

each lvl, instead of picking a stat increase, u would pick a perk to furthe customize your charector. sadly atm, i dotn think i have enough alcohol to come up with all the perks atm, dont think ill bore ya with those, but will agree this will rely on unigue perks and not the +100% dmg increase etc type perks. more toned down and unigue perks

Anyway, thats my ideal leveling system. hope ya enjoyed, sorry for the massive wall of mispelled words. any suggestions to add on, feel free to add.
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