I watched a couple of minutes of that video. I don't get it, was it suppose to be funny? Cause I only chuckled at 2 points and the rest just felt like an overlong drag. Also, if one does not have the voice for voice acting one should probably avoid it all together.
Sort of an inside joke.
AlChestBreach does mod reviews for New Vegas mods, then promises to make special treat vids when he reaches a certain amount of subscribers.
Famously, he's had several companions die in odd ways, for example Rex has often randomly been attacked by people on the street and has died despite him not playing on hardcoe mode, the corgis randomly turned on him and had to be put down, and there's even a Radroach in the pile who (somehow) picked up a machine gun and fired on a group of ghouls LIKE A BOSS, but then was swarmed and killed. When they die though, he generally treats them as dead-is-dead and they seldomly return in another mod review video ever again.
The first scene shows him opening up a room with bodies of all his companions who've died among the years, all piled up and stinking. Among them is Willow, who, despite him WANTING her to die, I don't think she ever has. Thus, she stands up from the pile, still alive.
Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wk4izlsrZ4&feature=plcp
Yes it's long, but just skip to the 40 minute mark and watch from there until the end and you should understand.