1 major weapon skill is enough.
Spread the governing attributes (efficient leveling)
Major skills:
1. Blunt Weapon (STR) - maces, hammers, clubs, staves
2. Heavy Armor (END) - for the best defense in the game
3. Athletics (SPD) - for speed, running and swimming
4. Block (AGL) - to block any melee attack (a successful block removes all damage from the attack)
5. Armorer (STR) - to maintain weapons and armor at top effectiveness
Minor skills:
1. Axe (STR) - war axes and battleaxes
2. Marksman (AGL) - ranged weapons: short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, throwing knife
3. Alteration (WIL) - opening and locking, water breathing and walking, jumping, levitating, burdening, shield barriers against physical and elemental damage
4. Alchemy (INT) - for money, potions for healing, curing disease, water-walking, magical shielding, and fortifying bodily attributes
5. Speechcraft (PER) - all NPCs are friendlier, better prices, easier admiring, intimidating, taunting, bribe
Birthsign: use the Lady birthsign (Lady's Grace - Fortify Endurance 25 pts + Lady's Favor - Fortify Personality 25 pts).
The permanent Fortify Endurance 25 pts is very, very useful:
- The initial endurance level determines the starting health (initial hit points)! Note that increases to endurance do not retroactively increase hit points, so it is advisable to maximize endurance as soon as possible.
- Each time you level up, your Endurance is divided by 10 and this value is added to your current maximum. If you increase your Endurance, your new Endurance is used to calculate your additional health.
- It increases how much maximum Fatigue you have.
And the fortify Personality 25 pts is a very useful addition, especially early in the game...