Question #1
I'm trying to design a melee type character who only uses healing magic ie. just Restoration heals, and no custom spells. I would like to be able to spam heals without using gear, or a Birthsign, that adds Magicka.
This character...
- Would be capped at level 30.
- Will be wearing Heavy Armor.
- Is an Orc with maxed Endurance ie. starts at 65 and adds +5 Endurance every level until it reaches 100.
- Will have a maxed Willpower.
- Will only be able to get Intelligence to 75.
- Will reach 100 Restoration.
So, will I be able to spam the top level heals, or will it just not be possible wearing Heavy Armor, only getting Intelligence to 75 and not having any gear that adds to Magicka or Intelligence for that matter? Will I be able to use Heal Legendary Wounds at all?
Question #2
Does Luck effect Melee or Bow damage if all other appropriate Attributes/Skills are maxed?
I found this on the Wiki, under the Complete Damage Formula.
ModifiedSkill is your skill (Blade, Blunt, or Marksman) modified according to Luck. The equation is ModifiedSkill = Skill + 0.4 * (Luck - 50)). Skill includes any skill-altering magical effects (Fortify, Damage, Absorb, etc; in the form of spells, potions, enchantments, abilities, etc). Luck also takes into account any magical effects.
I'm horrible with these equations. Let's say I'm attacking with a Blade weapon, and both my Blade Skill and my Strength Attribute are 100. Would Luck still effect my damage?