That's right. I'm sick and tired of servers infested with Scar + Laser users and L-TAGers. If I find myself in a server with an L-TAGer or Scar + Laser user I will switch to my FY71 ( if the server rules permit it ). I know I said I wouldn't use that noob gun anymore, but think of this as fighting fire with fire -- call me a hypocrite if you like. But, if you do call me a hypocrite, take note of the many servers that ban L-TAGers ( which we all agree is an OP noob weapon ) yet allow Scar + Laser bug exploitation. I especially find the Avenge Esports server funny -- their server message says something to the effect "don't cry about scar + laser" and yet they ban L-TAGers. If that's not hypocritical I don't know what is.
So, there you go. No more whining from me.
I'm sorry if I disappointed any of my C2 friends -- please try to understand.
