Returning to Oblivion, couple of questions

Post » Mon May 14, 2012 5:43 am

Haven't played for some time, and got the urge to play again. Planning on a Battlemage character and I've got a couple of questions;

I've decided I want to cap my characters level, and what I've read here suggests that with shivering isles, 30 is a good point to stop. So that would work out as taking 4 majors that I use and three I won't, right?

So would this work?
Strength and luck
Blunt, Light armour, and two schools of magic for used majors
Blade, Heavy Armour, Marksman for filler

The two schools of magic would either be conjuration and illusion, or destruction and alteration. On the one hand I'll be using destruction and alteration more, but they already get bonuses form being an Altmer, while conjuration and illusion would be somewhat ineffective for sometime if not picked as majors, without resorting to power-levelling.

Sorry if these are obvious questions, I've not tried planning a character like this before.
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Jynx Anthropic
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