» Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:36 pm
I think there are one or two mods with dungeons of that size,
but they were done with a program that automates the construction process.
As such, they were rather bland, and well... mass-produced looking, as I recall.
You just can't beat good old fashioned hand craftsmanship, especially when it comes to modding.
They had to use such a program, though, because the project would have been far to daunting for one person, otherwise.
(So yes, there were several dugeon mods of such a size, but, to my knowledge, none that nice, or that could be called "atmospheric", as it were.
Sorry to disappoint you... But then again, maybe someone else knows of one I haven't seen.
Edit: Note that the ones I refer to just used the program, with little or no extra tweaking.
You could probably make a really great dungeon using it, if you then go back to tweak and finish it by hand.