KOTN Curse

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 am

Alright, quick rundown of the situation. Made a Hand to Hand fighter with Heavy armor and a few other skills. Began the KOTN Questline at about level 4. I played through with everything going fine, aside from the fact that Hand to Hand is incredibly underpowered, until I received the curse from Kellen/Keller? in the Leyawin Chapel. The curse pretty much screwed my guy since it drains my fatigue so fast that the only way my fatigue will regenerate is if i am immobile, or walking incredibly slow, remember heavy armor. No Fatigue = worthless fighter. It wasnt to bad at first, more of an annoyance, which I figured would get cured quickly, I'm almost at the end of the quest and I still havent been cured. At this point I am about to quit this character since it takes anywhere from 5 - 10 minutes to kill anything since my punches do roughly 1 damage when my fatigue is out, and I get stunned every other hit. I've gotten into fights where I was chain stunned for a couple minutes, and then spent 20+ minutes trying to kill 3 Headless Zombies before I said screw it and dropped the difficulty. My skills rocketed out of control since a fight would involve me hitting an enemy for several minutes, leveling my hand to hand, each and every fight.

Question Part \/

So, how do I get rid of this curse? I have no information in my journal letting me know and no one at the KOTN priory has an option to help me.

Thanks for any help, Phathod.
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Elle H
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 am

wrong section buddy.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:24 am

Hmm, logged in at the oblivion general and I guess it redirected me to Fallout 3 general? Backed up a few pages and I was at the oblivion section. Musta been an error.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

Have you obtained all the relics and returned to the Priory? The cure is built into the questline.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 am

I'm working my way through towards the sword, I checked the UESP and found that I get cured when I get the Blessing of Talos, but it seems odd that they would make one of their addons have a curse at the beginning making it incredibly difficult of melee fighters to get a new set of armor and melee weapons. I don't understand the logic behind massively crippling players as they do the questline.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

I'm working my way through towards the sword, I checked the UESP and found that I get cured when I get the Blessing of Talos, but it seems odd that they would make one of their addons have a curse at the beginning making it incredibly difficult of melee fighters to get a new set of armor and melee weapons. I don't understand the logic behind massively crippling players as they do the questline.

I carry restore fatigue potions, so I don't find it that much of an inconvenience. The "logic" behind it is having to make a sacrifice for the greater good.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:35 am

I've actually only used a few restore fatigue potions in over 300 hours of playtime, counting all characters. This quest line has just been such a massive disappointment that I've already made my mind up to not finish, or attempt it again. Seems like a thrown together quest simply to make money without much care for quality. Shivering isles is an incredible addition to the game, but this is roughly as interesting and as fun as when the Horse Armor DLC came out.

Thanks for your input Sojourner, but i'm out of here. Off to start another new character I suppose.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 am

Your character was given plenty of warning, repeatedly, that you would have to take a curse upon yourself to complete this quest. It does not intersect with the other artifact quests, so you could always do it last, or at least after the Boots and Mace. If you don't need assistance and just want to complain, it's better to close this thread.
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