Now that my modded game is reasonably stable again, I would like to keep my installation as tidy and compact as possible.
pyFFI and BSA commander, here I come.
Before starting on that though, I'd like to please know from you wise TES4 Gurus and Oblivion vets' what the best practices are in that regard.
Basically :
- what kind of mods can I BSA'ify ? what kind of files ? from my readings here, it seems it's best to leave BSA archives uncompressed, is that always true ?
- what kind of files should I pyFFI ? are only body and head meshes to be avoided, because of the .egt/.egm/.tri files ?
- what is your opinion on ?
- are there are any particular shortcomings I should be aware of, before proceeding on with my spring/summer cleaning spree ?
It has been pyFFIed, but not BSA'ified. Why ?
Thank you in advance for your advice ^.^