Just to open, I honestly doubt that there will be much beyond what was in FO3. If there's a strip club, it'd most likely be similar to the ones in Mass Effect 1/2 (ie, clothed). The game engine doesn't really lend itself to fancily-animated cutscenes (like the six scene in Mass Effect 1), and just having naked people standing around outside a cutscene - really, really doubt it.
That said.....
When I say "we shouldn't be seeing" I mean that is your married life/girlfriend really that special to you if you are watching someone else wearing little or not clothing? I didn't say you "can't handle" seeing it.
Out of honest curiosity -
What's your view on:
- Novels containing six scenes (even real dramatic fiction, not just sleazy romance novels)?
- R-rate movies containing six scenes (again, can be found in serious dramas, not just Porky's / American Pie type stuff)?
- "erotic" artworks (such as might be found in museums. Painting, sculpture, etchings, etc)?
- Non-explicit sixual activity on television (soap operas, dramas, sitcoms....)?
...heck, stuff in 10pm prime-time TV shows beats anything that showed up in FO3.