This story, will be apart of my "Life of a (Insert name here)" titles, such as Life of a Wastelander, Life of a Wastelander: Daves Return, and Life of a Wasteland Mercenary.
The story will revolve around a young Tribal boys life, starting when he's in his teenage years in his village, then gradually growing into a man and going through his journey's into the wasteland, and seeing what civilization outside his village has come to etc. etc. I've already began starting on the Prologue, but it's taking more time to finish because my work has kept me busy. So hopefully soon I will have it ready for all of you.
Tell me what you think. If you vote "NO" then please give a reason (No need to hide). I would actually prefer to see more "No's" then "Yes" because it will make me want to make it even more, and I'll know people aren't giving me [censored]. But don't just vote "NO" because I said that. Your word will greatly be appreciated.