Ive been playing oblivion for years but i never really came across the answers to these...
Good skill and attribute combo's, especially for a glass cannon (im not even sure if it is a mage, archer or rogue type class)
When should you stop leveling (too low, too boring. Too high, too hard) Ive mostly been getting my people high, ive got a 42, 40, 42 and a 50 plus a load of 1-20s i gave up on
What things are there to do that you find fun? (im getting kind of bored when i play it, dont include main quest or guilds ive completed all of them about 10 times)
Help would be appriciated, thanks!
Skill and attribute combo's are completely up to you. For a glass cannon, low endurance and strength are all I'd recommend without knowing more about your character.
I tend to stop levelling around level 20.
I roleplay extensively. For example, Helena Aurelie and I spent the majority of yesterday picking flowers and watching the sunset. Sometimes we merely go for walks in the woods, stopping off at an pools of water for a brief swim. Others we embark on quests I propose for her.
Edit: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i460.photobucket.com/albums/qq328/PaulSouthron/Fishy%2520Sticks/fishystickcf7.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.roleplaygateway.com/yepp-new-t12185.html&h=319&w=194&sz=12&tbnid=7ZK1yvFBUjb6LM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=72&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfishy%2Bstick&zoom=1&q=fishy+stick&usg=__F1YJ54kjBdNMbWXm8j2ba1sFlA8=&sa=X&ei=y2n6TPfPL5KHhQfixdXyCg&ved=0CCAQ9QEwAw