Disclaimer: You can't cheat a single player game - the victim is pixels. I will take your question as asking if such a proposal would be something I would consider in my game.
It depends on the motivation.
I think an excellent exercise is to ask your character who is obsessed with dwarven things this question: If you use dwarven things at level one in favor of iron and steel, will you still be using dwarven things when marauders walk Nirn clad and armed with daedric things?
If the character's background and roleplay scream that they should start the game with some unusual, perhaps inherited item, it may work just fine.
My characters have on occasion purchased an item on the black market. I will not allow the requirement for an item to overly drive questing. A good example is a character who will never do the main quest, but for an exhorbitant price, may be able to buy the odd sigil stone on the black market. This is accomplished via the PC command console by deleting gold and adding the item in question of course.
Another consideration for some players is the 'lure' of the command console. Some folks get 'addicted' to easy ways of doing things. If this applies, consider carefully. I am not such a person and my character curses how I use the command console to make her life harder via taxing her gold away and all kinds of limitations she has to deal with.
Just think things through and decide overall, what will allow you to most enjoy your game.