Mages guild

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:00 am

They offered me to join just like that. Should i join? In the thieves guild they had a test atleast to prove my skills. (fun test)
So Oblivion experts is there any adventages by this?. Do they have any enemies or something?

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jaideep singh
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:39 pm

They offered me to join just like that. Should i join? In the thieves guild they had a test atleast to prove my skills. (fun test)
So Oblivion experts is there any adventages by this?. Do they have any enemies or something?

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After completing the recommendation quests, and after receiving your staff, you will have access to the enchanting and spell-making altars. This is the most obvious/powerful advantage. I find the Mages' Guild questline to be quite fun. Second only to the Thieves' Guild quest line. Yes, they have enemies. I recommend taking the plunge.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 am

No down side at all. The Mage's Guild has very low standards for associates. Pretty much anyone can walk in off the street and join, even an orc!

EDIT: And if you do join, I recommend you join in the Cheydinhal Guild Hall. Falcar has the best welcoming dialog, in my opinion!
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James Smart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

EDIT: And if you do join, I recommend you join in the Cheydinhal Guild Hall. Falcar has the best welcoming dialog, in my opinion!

Will do!
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:20 pm

I agree with what everyone else has said, it's probably the most rewarding guild, (IMHO).
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

Just joining (Associate) is easy. This basically allows you to use the various guild chapters as a place to stay and have friends.

If you want to advance to even the next rank (Apprentice), you have to earn the recommendation of every Mages Guild chapter and enter the Arcane University. This gains you access to the enchanting and spellmaking altars and (if you want to do them), a series of quests to help the Mages Guild. The recommendation quests to get into the University are a fun way to see Cyrodiil, and the Mages Guild questline itself is pretty fun. The perks of getting to the top of the guild are not great, but so it is with every guild to some extent.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:50 pm

Just joining (Associate) is easy. This basically allows you to use the various guild chapters as a place to stay and have friends.

I recommend not staying at the Skingrad guildhall however. Unless you like the idea of waking up to find next to you in bed!

On a serious note, you can also get the enchanting and spellmaking altars from the Frostcrag Spire DLC. If you play on a computer, you can simply use console commands for both. That is how I do it.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 am

Just joining (Associate) is easy. This basically allows you to use the various guild chapters as a place to stay and have friends.

If you want to advance to even the next rank (Apprentice), you have to earn the recommendation of every Mages Guild chapter and enter the Arcane University. This gains you access to the enchanting and spellmaking altars and (if you want to do them), a series of quests to help the Mages Guild. The recommendation quests to get into the University are a fun way to see Cyrodiil, and the Mages Guild questline itself is pretty fun. The perks of getting to the top of the guild are not great, but so it is with every guild to some extent.

Yeah, but you get a Title, and your very own tower, and, and... ...the help still treats you like dirt. :wink_smile:
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 am

I recommend not staying at the Skingrad guildhall however. Unless you like the idea of waking up to find next to you in bed!

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:35 pm

"Back off, Vigge! Or I'll turn you into a chicken!"

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:20 am

"They offered me to join just like that. Should i join? In the thieves guild they had a test at least to prove my skills...Do they have any enemies or something?"
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"I refuse to join any club that would have someone like me as a member."
- Groucho Marx
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:24 pm

"They offered me to join just like that. Should i join? In the thieves guild they had a test at least to prove my skills...Do they have any enemies or something?"
- You got mail

"I refuse to join any club that would have someone like me as a member."
- Groucho Marx

Hehe nice. :laugh:
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:01 am

Join but keep an eye on Falcar
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