Mind control character

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 am

I was thinking of making a new character because I can never make one that I like for very long and I was thinking of making him of her use illusion for my main skill
I was wondering what skills I should pick and any ideas on what spells to use what race and skills also
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 am

You may want to refer to this thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1110191-illusionist-viable/
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:37 am

In my opinion Illusion is the most powerful skill in the game, but only if it's high enough. At Novice and Apprentice rank it's acctually pretty weak. But once you hit 50 you gain access to Invisibility and Chameleon and it becomes much better. And with custom spells at Expert and Master rank it simply mindblowingly powerful.

So you'll want skills that will get you by until you become Journeyman and you will want skills that handle the few things it can't (locks, single opponents).

Suggested major skills:
- Illusion: the character's main skill
- Blade or Marksman: emergency combat skill
- Alteration: utility magic skill, handles locks and provides some protection
- Mysticism: secondary utility skill, provides some handy magic effects (Detect Life)
- Sneak: strong synergy with Invisibility and Chameleon spells
- Speechcraft and/or Mercantile: roleplaying flavor skills, don't take both if you want to get +5 multuipliers on Personality though

For race and birthsign you'll benefit most from something that grants a nice big Magicka bonus. So Altmer or Breton with Apprentice or Mage birthsign would be most suitable. Technically Mage is a much stronger birthsign than Apprentice, but Apprentice does have the benefit of forcing you to avoid direct confrontation which would emphasize your character's mind control aspect.

You'll want to do the Mages Guild recommendations quickly in order to gain access to the Arcane University and the spellmaking altar. Alternatively, if you play on xbox or PC you can also use the Wizard's Tower DLC. And PC users have access to plenty of free mods that may also add other options for spellmaking.

A few powerful custom spells:

100 point Charm for 2 seconds on touch
This spell is useful for all sorts of quests and for getting the best prices from merchants.

highest magnitude you can cast Command for a few seconds on target
When you cast this spell at an enemy, it will make other nearby enemies attack the target. This spell is also very useful in the larger fights from the main quest because you don't have to worry so much about friendly fire.

Frenzy on touch + Invisibility on self
Sneak up on an enemy and unleash him on his buddies. If you play your cards right nobody will ever know you were there.
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jessica robson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:56 pm

I'll leave recommendations about build choices to others. Dragatus is right that illusion is a superb skill when you get some skill and practice with it. My char blends it with marksman for fabulous results but there are loads of possibilities. If I was going to base a char around illusion as their primariy focus, I would pair it with conjuration in keeping with the 'don't get your hands dirty' theme. I would keep conjuration as a minor skill, but that is just me. Some thoughts:

Mind control spells require full magnitude to be effective above level 25 or so. That means not only spells of max magnitude, but having 100% spell effectiveness w/o any armor penalty. This means wearing no armor at all (easy to do by higher levels) or using a mod such as 'Spells be Effective' by Lazy Altmer.

Pairing a summon with invisibility on self is great fun. Not only is it very effective, it is neat to appear that your summon has 'replaced' you. It also guarantees any foes attack your summon instead of you. It also allows you to cast the spell and invisibly (safely) run right up to your foe, leading your summons to them.

I would consider avoiding much use of destruction. Use restoration to absorb life if you really need a direct damage ability. Use restoration to buff your summons if desired.

If you don't mind getting your hands a little dirty vs single foes, you could command them. Then as they calmly stand there, nick them with a poisoned dagger and disappear as the poison does its job.

Basically, I would consider using command spells to thin crowds down to one, then summons or some other fun tricks to finish off any survivors while your character invisibly buffs her nails.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 am

In my opinion Illusion is the most powerful skill in the game, but only if it's high enough. At Novice and Apprentice rank it's acctually pretty weak. But once you hit 50 you gain access to Invisibility and Chameleon and it becomes much better. And with custom spells at Expert and Master rank it simply mindblowingly powerful.

So you'll want skills that will get you by until you become Journeyman and you will want skills that handle the few things it can't (locks, single opponents).

Suggested major skills:
- Illusion: the character's main skill
- Blade or Marksman: emergency combat skill
- Alteration: utility magic skill, handles locks and provides some protection
- Mysticism: secondary utility skill, provides some handy magic effects (Detect Life)
- Sneak: strong synergy with Invisibility and Chameleon spells
- Speechcraft and/or Mercantile: roleplaying flavor skills, don't take both if you want to get +5 multuipliers on Personality though

For race and birthsign you'll benefit most from something that grants a nice big Magicka bonus. So Altmer or Breton with Apprentice or Mage birthsign would be most suitable. Technically Mage is a much stronger birthsign than Apprentice, but Apprentice does have the benefit of forcing you to avoid direct confrontation which would emphasize your character's mind control aspect.

You'll want to do the Mages Guild recommendations quickly in order to gain access to the Arcane University and the spellmaking altar. Alternatively, if you play on xbox or PC you can also use the Wizard's Tower DLC. And PC users have access to plenty of free mods that may also add other options for spellmaking.

A few powerful custom spells:

100 point Charm for 2 seconds on touch
This spell is useful for all sorts of quests and for getting the best prices from merchants.

highest magnitude you can cast Command for a few seconds on target
When you cast this spell at an enemy, it will make other nearby enemies attack the target. This spell is also very useful in the larger fights from the main quest because you don't have to worry so much about friendly fire.

Frenzy on touch + Invisibility on self
Sneak up on an enemy and unleash him on his buddies. If you play your cards right nobody will ever know you were there.

Thats a pretty good build, but I would take marksman over blade, because marksman usually goes better with sneak.
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:05 pm

I just wanted to throw in addition about Illusion, it actually can work quite well even at lower skill levels provided you can make spells, which is possible to do pretty early in the game.

I keep trying to tell everyone a 4 to 5 sec duration on Command will work fine. if you have a cupla enemies around just cast that, and at 5-10 level effect it isn't difficult to cast, and stuff will keep fighting each other after the spell wears off. you have to make sure to give them a bit of space or sneak into a corner and watch spell casters as they will occasionally shoot a spell at you while fighting something else. once in a while they will break off after the duration but if you run a bit aways they will sometimes re-engage any other enemies around or you can simply cast it again.
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