The orc grunted and walked out of the room only to come back a second later with travelling bag. "'Ere is en'uf food to get 'ur out o' Cyrodile." He called out, placing the bag on the table. "Divide it among ya, gud luck. Kill the bugger and bring back 'is 'ead. I doubt they care how many bits of it are left. 'es currently hiding in Skyriim. Dunno where."
Rei grimaced somewhat at the man's words but nodded, he understood what he meant. The mages' guild cared very little about how they were to get it, aslong as they killed him and came back with some proof. Hah, magesas long, I bet they'd be too scared to even look at a dead man's face. he remarked, his dad often told him about the corwardice of wizards and magescowardice'. Rei had yet to see a successful mage in combat. All the ones he knew could not handle combat -and- the strenuous task of remembering spells at the same time.
"Thankyou, for the pack." Rei said to the Orc who simply gave him a smirk and trudged out of the room. He looked to the other three, "The names' Rei, either of you guys been to Skyriim?" He added, trying to create conversation, but he also wished to find out if they were going to get lost.